Rolling Stone

Rod Stewart


The singer on his heavy-drinking days with the Faces, his kids’ Fortnite obsession, and how he gets his famous hair just right

share romantic things. I’m a terrible old romantic. My wife and I, when the kids go to bed, have candlelit dinners every night. It’s so lovely.

When in your life were you the least happy?

Probably going through my divorce from Rachel Hunter around 1999. But lo and behold, out of the sky came my darling wife, Penny. She was dared by one of her friends to go over and ask for Rod Stewart’s autograph, and she did.

Do your young kids like your music?

The one likes a lot of the rap stuff, which is difficult because it’s so many of the cussing words in there. The younger one likes Dad’s music a bit, but they’re both hung up on this Fortnite now. Jesus Christ, they are obsessed. “Dinner is on the table.” “Dad, I’m just finishing the game!” I have to say, “If you don’t do what you’re told, I’m gonna cut the Internet off from the whole house.”

Tell me about your fitness routine.

Well, today, I was let off lightly ’cause I had a band dinner last night, and we all got well-plastered. But I started off in my gym strengthen­ing my legs for half an hour. Then I went straight to my new pool and did 12 lengths, and I’ll start doing diving. I’ve got a trainer. It’s like the Navy SEALs. He throws a weight in, and then I’ve got to go down and get it, swim back with the weight to the other side of the pool. It’s very interestin­g.

How much time do you spend on your hair?

I can do my hair — wash it, dry it, get it standing up — in 10 minutes at the most. It’s real quick. I’m also just lucky I still got it.


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