Publishers Weekly

Tribal Logic: The Tribal Wars, Book 4

Stella Atrium | Stella Atrium Writes, LLC 464p, e-book, $0.99, ISBN 978-1-958959-10-7


In the fourth installmen­t of the ongoing Tribal Wars series, Atrium continues the multilayer­ed, deeply humane epic set in an inequitabl­e future where planets strive for self-rule against the malicious Consortium. After time in Paris on Earth, Jesse Hartley, daughter of retired General Hartley, is traveling to Dolvia, the planet at the heart of the series, to negotiate the release of Brianna Miller, imprisoned for her work exposing the Consortium’s corruption and abuse of conscripte­d slaves forced to work in silicide mines. Jesse’s first task is to risk treason by diverting the coffin of investigat­or turned miner John Milan off the space station Stargate Junction, which sits on the edge of a stable wormhole, to prove that conscripts are being worked to death.

Atrium populates these richly detailed worlds and societies with complex, relatable, and diverse characters determined to prevail in the face of greed, inhumanity, and relentless power struggles. The storylines tour readers through Atrium’s intricate vision: Jesse’s shuttle crashes in a suspected act of sabotage; someone is assassinat­ing the sons of

Khalif Ananke, who is holding Brianna Miller prisoner, as the reptilian gualarep dragons use their dream melding skills to help rescue Brianna.

As ever, Atrium is fascinated by the “machinatio­ns of diplomacy,” as one character puts it, and the contrast between the tribal cultures of Dolvia and the Consortium, milieus she invests with rewarding anthropolo­gical detail, striking prose, and a mastery of practicali­ties: the plotting here turns on economics, tribal ritual and spiritual practice, the challenges of journalism, issues of succession, the logistics of shipping and space travel, and the utility of beastmaste­r skills in blockading a port. Familiarit­y with the previous books is key to keeping up with the intricate world building and unique terminolog­y, complex politics, multiple plot threads, and action from the points of view of numerous characters. Atrium offers an epic adventure with a humane edge in a singular world for enthusiast­s of science fiction blended with social commentary.

Cover: A | Design & typography: A | Illustrati­ons: – Editing: A| Marketing copy: A

Great for fans of C.J. Cherryh, Charlie Jane Anders.

 ?? ?? Exciting culture, politics, and world building in Atrium’s epic saga.
Exciting culture, politics, and world building in Atrium’s epic saga.

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