Porterville Recorder



Disabled veterans grossly undercompe­nsated

Our disabled veterans are grossly undercompe­nsated. The consequenc­es for all of us could be dire.

In FY2023 a totally disabled veteran with no dependents is compensate­d at the ridiculous rate of $43,463.40 annually. The National Average Wage Index (NAWI) for 2021 was $60,575.07 per annum and the median income for 2021 was $70,784. The per capita GDP in 2021 was $69,288, among the highest in the world. This rate of compensati­on to disabled veterans is deliberate and cruel.

They have been asking various Administra­tions and Congresses for fair compensati­on since the end of WWI in November 1918. That was 104 years ago. Where is it?

In my opinion the basic reason for their gross under compensati­on situation is because they are only compensate­d for projected loss of wages due to their disabiliti­es. They are not compensate­d for their low quality of life. This is done to keep taxation low for the wealthy Elites. So what it comes down to is this: the groups that had their assets and overseas business interests protected the most by our now broken former troops pay essentiall­y nothing to support them in their brokenness. That is not very American is it?

I ask you to pass legislatio­n this year to compensate them fairly, especially the totally and permanentl­y disabled among them who should be compensate­d at least at the level of the NAWI.

This is now a national security problem.

Once there is full realizatio­n among our youth that serious injury or illness in the Armed Forces almost guarantees a lifetime of near poverty as a disabled veteran the Armed Forces will collapse rather quickly. In fact, this is already starting to happen. Enlistment­s are sparse.

Be warned.

Luis Wilbon Oxnard, Calif.

Avoid a Holiday Tragedy

The holiday season comes with family gatherings, social time with friends, and office parties. These joyful events can lead to life-altering consequenc­es, like drunken driving.

When I was 16 years old in 1992, a drunken driver hit me. I had a four month coma, broken bones, paralysis and brain injuries. My gait and speech are affected and I lost my driving and hearing abilities. For 30-plus years, I read lips and cannot enjoy holiday music anymore. Drunken drivers injure lives many ways.

Planning to attend a holiday gathering? Please make smart decisions now if planning to drink: Don’t drive drunk. The law enforcemen­t and I urge you to have a sober friend, taxi, etc. drive you to and from this location. This ensures everyone’s safety on the road, including yours.

My message to drive sober will never get old because it saves lives. Having a sober driver is a superb way to begin 2023.

Lori Martin Tracy, Calif.

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