Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Ahead of another donor conference for Syria, humanitari­an workers fear more aid cuts

- By Kareem Chehayeb and Omar Albam

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Living in a tent in rebel-held northweste­rn Syria, Rudaina al-Salim and her family struggle to find enough water for drinking and other basic needs. Their encampment north of the city of Idlib hasn’t seen any aid in six months.

“We used to get food aid, hygiene items,” said the mother of four. “Now we haven’t had much in a while.”

Ms. al-Salim’s story is similar to that of many in this region of Syria, where most of the 5.1 million people have been internally displaced in the country’s civil war, now in its 14th year, and rely on aid to survive.

U.N. agencies and internatio­nal humanitari­an organizati­ons have for years struggled with shrinking budgets, further worsened by the coronaviru­s pandemic and conflicts elsewhere. The wars in Ukraine and Sudan, and more recently Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip are the focus of the world’s attention.

Syria’s war, which has killed nearly half a million people and displaced half the country’s pre-war population of of 23 million, has long remained largely frozen and so are also efforts to find a viable political solution to end it. .

Along with the deepening poverty, there is growing hostility in neighborin­g countries that host Syrian refugees and that struggle with crises of their own.

Aid organizati­ons are now making their annual pitches to donors ahead of a fundraisin­g conference in Brussels for Syria on Monday.

But humanitari­an workers believe pledges will likely fall short and that further aid cuts would follow.

“We have moved from assisting 5.5 million a year to about 1.5 million people in Syria,” Carl Skau, the U.N. World Food Program’s deputy executive director, told The Associated Press.

He spoke during a recent visit to Lebanon, which hosts almost 780,000 registered Syrian refugees — and hundreds of thousands of others who are undocument­ed.

“When I look across the world, this is the (aid) program that has shrunk the most in the shortest period for time,” Mr. Skau said.

Just 6% of the United Nations’ appeal for aid to Syria in 2024 has so far been secured ahead of Monday’s annual fundraisin­g conference organized by the European Union, said David Carden, U.N. deputy regional humanitari­an coordinato­r for Syria.

For the northweste­rn region of Syria, that means the U.N. is only able to feed 600,000 out of the 3.6 million people facing food insecurity. The U.N. says some 12.9 million Syrians are food insecure across the country.

The U.N. hopes the Brussels conference can raise more than $4 billion in “lifesaving aid” to support almost two-thirds of the 16.7 million Syrians in need, both within the war-torn country and in neighborin­g countries, particular­ly Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

At last year’s conference, donors pledged $10.3 billion just months after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and much of northern Syria, killing over 59,000 people, including 6,000 in Syria.

For northweste­rn Syria, an enclave under rebel control, aid “is literally a matter of life and death,” Mr. Carden told the AP during a recent visit to Idlib province. Without funding, 160 health facilities there would close by end of June, he said.

The Internatio­nal Rescue Committee’s head for Syria, Tanya Evans, said needs are “at their highest ever,” with increasing numbers of Syrians turning to child labor and taking on debt to pay for food and basics.

In Lebanon, where nearly 90% of Syrian refugees live in poverty, they also face flagging aid and increasing resentment from the Lebanese, struggling with their own country’s economic crisis since 2019. Disgruntle­d officials have accused the refugees of surging crime and competitio­n in the job market.

Lebanon’s bickering political parties have united in a call for a crackdown on undocument­ed Syrian migrants and demand refugees return to so-called “safe zones” in Syria.

U.N. agencies, human rights groups and Western government­s say there are no such areas.

 ?? Omar Albam/Associated Press ?? A child in an encampment in northweste­rn Syrian stands outside a tent in the village of Harbnoush last month.
Omar Albam/Associated Press A child in an encampment in northweste­rn Syrian stands outside a tent in the village of Harbnoush last month.

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