Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Russia’s Putin enters new era of extraordin­ary power

Latest 6-year term will begin Tuesday

- By Jim Heintz

Just a few months short of a quarter-century as Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin on Tuesday will put his hand on a copy of the constituti­on and begin another six-year term as president wielding extraordin­ary power.

Since becoming acting president on the last day of 1999, Mr. Putin has shaped Russia into a monolith — crushing political opposition, running independen­tminded journalist­s out of the country and promoting an increasing devotion to prudish “traditiona­l values” that pushes many in society into the margins.

His influence is so dominant that other officials could only stand submissive­ly on the sidelines as he launched a war in Ukraine despite expectatio­ns the invasion would bring internatio­nal opprobrium and harsh economic sanctions, as well as cost Russia dearly in the blood of its soldiers.

With that level of power, what Mr. Putin will do with his next term is a daunting question at home and abroad.

The war in Ukraine, where Russia is making incrementa­l though consistent battlefiel­d gains, is the top concern, and he is showing no indication of changing course.

“The war in Ukraine is central to his current political project, and I don’t see anything to suggest that that will change. And that affects everything else,” Brian Taylor, a Syracuse University professor and author of “The Code of Putinism,” said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“It affects who’s in what positions, it affects what resources are available and it affects the economy, affects the level of repression internally,” he said.

In his state of the nation address in February, Mr. Putin vowed to fulfill Moscow’s goals in Ukraine, and do whatever it takes to “defend our sovereignt­y and security of our citizens.” He claimed the Russian military has “gained a huge combat experience” and is “firmly holding the initiative and waging offensives in a number of sectors.”

That will come at huge expense, which could drain money available for the extensive domestic projects and reforms in education, welfare and poverty-fighting that Mr. Putin used much of the two-hour address to detail.

Mr. Taylor suggested such projects were included in the address as much for show as for indicating real intent to put them into action.

Mr. Putin “thinks of himself in the grand historical terms of Russian lands, bringing Ukraine back to where it belongs, those sorts of ideas. And I think those trump any kind of more socioecono­mictype programs,” Mr. Taylor said.

If the war were to end in less than total defeat for either side, with Russia retaining some of the territory it has already captured, European countries fear that Putin could be encouraged toward further military adventuris­m in the Baltics or in Poland.

“It’s possible that Putin does have vast ambitions and will try to follow a costly success in Ukraine with a new attack somewhere else,” Harvard internatio­nal relations professor Stephen Walt wrote in the journal Foreign Policy. “But it is also entirely possible that his ambitions do not extend beyond what Russia has won — at enormous cost and that he has no need or desire to gamble for more.”

But, Mr. Walt added, “Russia will be in no shape to launch new wars of aggression when the war in Ukraine is finally over.”

Such a rational concern might not prevail, others say. Maksim Samorukov, of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, said that “driven by Putin’s whims and delusions, Moscow is likely to commit self-defeating blunders.”

In a commentary in Foreign Affairs, Mr. Samorukov suggested that Mr. Putin’s age could affect his judgment.

“At 71 ... his awareness of his own mortality surely impinges on his decision-making. A growing sense of his limited time undoubtedl­y contribute­d to his fateful decision to invade Ukraine.”

Overall, Mr. Putin may be heading into his new term with a weaker grip on power than he appears to have.

Russia’s “vulnerabil­ities are hidden in plain sight. Now more than ever, the Kremlin makes decisions in a personaliz­ed and arbitrary way that lacks even basic controls,” Mr. Samorukov wrote.

“The Russian political elite have grown more pliant in implementi­ng Mr. Putin’s orders and more obsequious to his paranoid worldview,” he wrote. The regime “is at permanent risk of crumbling overnight, as its Soviet predecesso­r did three decades ago.”

 ?? Igor Palkin/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP ?? Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, right, greets Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday after conducting an Orthodox Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. Mr. Putin has been in power for nearly a quarter century.
Igor Palkin/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, right, greets Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday after conducting an Orthodox Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. Mr. Putin has been in power for nearly a quarter century.

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