Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

New Pill Gives Aging Seniors Better Bladder Control

Studies show active ingredient rebuilds and safeguards bladder muscles without exercise; users report feeling more carefree and confident in just weeks.


Imaginea pill that reduces your frequent, sudden, strong urges to urinate immediatel­y.

Then think how great it would feel to no longer need adult diapers or pads during the day or night to prevent accidents.

Well, there’s no need to imagine. A team of scientists has delivered an amazing new pill for aging bladders.

Clinical results show the active ingredient restores better bladder control in just weeks.

Now after years of research and testing, doctors from coast-to-coast are recommendi­ng it to patients.

The developers of this amazing discovery have named it BladderMax. And there are some very good reasons why sales are booming.

To begin with, the clinical results were very impressive.

Bladder sufferers taking BladderMax’s active ingredient enjoyed being able to walk, laugh and go on long walks worry free. They enjoyed a better nights sleep, too. Some even reported enjoying a carefree sex life again.

BladderMax comes from a natural plant source. It’s safe. It’s healthy. There are no adverse side effects. And since researcher­s believe it works to restore muscle tissue in the bladder, results can be seen quite quickly.

“Our goal was to formulate BladderMax so that bladder sufferers would feel results within 30 days,” said Richard Kevins, Developer of BladderMax.

“And based on the feedback I think we hit the bullseye with this new pill,” added Kevins.


According to the National Institute of Health, as many as 33 million Americans are affected by bladder control problems, the majority of which choose to keep them a secret.

But thanks to BladderMax, bladder control issues may now be a thing of the past.

Many users are reporting a reduction in bathroom trips both day and night. Others are able to get back to doing the things they love without worrying about embarrassi­ng leakages.

“Besides strengthen­ing your muscles for better control,” says Chief Researcher Jesse Williams, “BladderMax also stops the hidden cause of muscle weakening and restores youthful bladder control. Something that no ordinary supplement, pad, diaper, drug or exercise can do.”

“And while no pill works for everyone, 92% of patients in clinical studies reported a higher quality of life in just days as a result of needing less diapers. That’s why so many doctors nationwide are now recommendi­ng it to patients,” added Williams.


The 8 week clinical study was carried out by scientists in Spain. The results were published in the Journal Of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research in 2016.

The study involved 50 women age 45-62 years old suffering from frequent and embarrassi­ng bladder leakages. They were only told to take BladderMax’s active ingredient every day.

The results were incredible.

Taking BladderMax’s active ingredient significan­tly reduced both sudden urges to go and embarrassi­ng urine leakages compared to the placebo.

In fact, a remarkable 69% reduction of nighttime bathroom trips was verified at the end of 8 weeks.

They also enjoyed a significan­t 67% reduction in panty liner use, and 73% reduction of embarrassi­ng leakages.

With these studies medical doctors and researcher­s have now proven BladderMax to be a clinically effective treatment for reducing embarrassi­ng bladder leakages and incontinen­ce.

The findings are impressive, no doubt, but results will vary.

But with results like these it’s easy to see why thousands of callers are jamming the phone lines trying to get their hands on BladderMax.


When your bladder and pelvic floor muscles are strong, they can handle any extra pressure from a cough, sneeze, or laugh.

But just like muscles in your arms or legs, bladder muscles can shrink and weaken with age. They’re also weakened by pregnancy or weight gain.

Once the bladder sphincter and pelvic floor muscles are weak, any sudden pressure can push urine out of the bladder unexpected­ly.

The natural compound found in BladderMax contains the necessary ingredient­s needed to help strengthen bladder muscles to relieve urgency, while reducing frequency.

Plus, it helps relax bladder muscles allowing for complete emptying of the bladder.

This proprietar­y compound is known as ‘UrgeFree’®.

And with over 5 years of medical use there have been no adverse side effects reported.

This is a bonus for incontinen­ce sufferers who have been taking prescripti­on and over the counter medication­s that can cause memory loss, dry mouth, headaches, blurred vision and constipati­on.

This seems to be another reason why BladderMax’s release has triggered such a frenzy of sales.


“Many of my patients used to complain that coughing, sneezing or even getting up quickly from a chair results in wetting themselves and they fear becoming a social outcast,” reports Dr. Clifford James M.D. “But BladderMax changes all that.”

“BladderMax effectivel­y treats urinary disorders, specifical­ly overactive bladder,” said Dr. Christie Wilkins.

“I use BladderMax everyday for my overactive bladder. I also have my sister and mother taking it regularly as well,” said Dr. Jennifer Freeman, G.P. from NY.


Users of BladderMax report incredible results. That’s why it comes with an equally incredible guarantee.

“There’s only one reason why we can offer such a guarantee,” said Richard Kevins. “It works for those who use it. It’s as simple as that,” he added.

Here’s how it works: Take the pill exactly as directed. Then follow the simple instructio­ns. You must be thrilled and amazed as your bladder control greatly improves.

Otherwise, return the product as directed and you’ll receive double your money back!


This is the official release of BladderMax in Pennsylvan­ia. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to any person who calls within the next 48 hours.

A Regional Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try BladderMax.

Starting at 7:00 am today, the order hotline will be open for 48-hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-800-843-9962. The company will do the rest

IMPORTANT: Due to BladderMax’s recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call, and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back.

Current supplies of BladderMax are limited. So consumers that don’t get through to the order hotline within the next 48-hours will have to wait until more inventory is produced. This could take as long as six weeks.

 ?? ?? NEW HOPE FOR BLADDER SUFFERERS: As new pill for weak bladders gains popularity, products like these will become less necessary.
NEW HOPE FOR BLADDER SUFFERERS: As new pill for weak bladders gains popularity, products like these will become less necessary.
 ?? ?? CAREFREE HOLIDAY: New pill is giving aging couples freedom from leaky bladders without surgery, prescripti­ons, embarrassi­ng diapers and exercises.
CAREFREE HOLIDAY: New pill is giving aging couples freedom from leaky bladders without surgery, prescripti­ons, embarrassi­ng diapers and exercises.

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