Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jimmy Carter, trounced in 1980, gets fresh look from history

- By Bill Barrow

ATLANTA — Jimmy Carter is sometimes called a better former president than he was president.

Nodding to Mr. Carter’s decades of work as a globetrott­ing humanitari­an but with a glaring reminder of his landslide defeat in 1980, the backhanded compliment rankles Carter allies and, they say, the former president himself.

Yet now, 40 years removed from the White House, the most famous resident of Plains, Ga., is riding a new wave of attention as biographer­s, filmmakers, climate activists and Mr. Carter’s fellow Democrats push to recast his presidenti­al legacy, even as Republican­s sometimes try to remind voters of the volatile economy and internatio­nal affairs that doomed Mr. Carter to one term.

The renewed spotlight is especially significan­t for the broad swath of Americans too young to remember a presidency that spanned from 1977 to 1981.

Sandwiched between the Watergate era of Richard Nixon and two terms of Ronald Reagan, Mr. Carter’s tenure came before millennial­s or Generation Z voters were born and earlier than most of Generation X reached political awareness.

“People have always come up to tell me how much my grandfathe­r and my grandmothe­r meant to them,” Jason Carter, 46, said.. “They used to be my parents’ age or older. Now they’re younger than I am, sometimes much younger. It’s a remarkable thing.”

Many of those fans have known Mr. Carter, now 96 and largely confined to his home, only as the aging humanitari­an occasional­ly in the news for building Habitat for Humanity houses, a critique of a successor or his latest health challenge.

In the past year, however, CNN released a documentar­y titled: “Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President” and independen­t documentar­ists Jim Pattiz and Will Pattiz debuted “Carterland” at the Atlanta Film Festival. In the preceding two years, new books included an explanatio­n of how Mr. Carter’s 1976 victory rewrote the rules of modern presidenti­al campaigns and an indepth analysis of Mr. Carter’s White House years by his then-domestic policy adviser.

Altogether, the new works depict not a failed president but an ambitious, far-reaching one who is getting a more nuanced assessment from history than he got from contempora­ries.

“Carter had these very farsighted views of how he wanted to solve the energy crisis, and it involved conservati­on, but also involved turning away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewable energy, things like solar power and other renewables,”said Jim Pattiz, 29.

Mr. Carter put solar panels on the White House, and he called for “shared sacrifice” to confront energy shortages. But he couldn’t overcome voters’ frustratio­ns with fuel prices and availabili­ty. The solar panels were removed during Reagan’s presidency.

But Will Pattiz, 30, said time vindicated Mr. Carter. If “President Carter had gotten an extra term in office, we likely wouldn’t be having a climate crisis right now.”

Mr. Carter likely wouldn’t go that far. In 2019, the former president used his last annual presentati­on at The Carter Center in Atlanta to blame himself for his postpresid­ential center being “basically mute on the subject of global warming.”

In his new book, “The Outlier,” historian Kai Bird writes that Mr. Carter’s “domestic and foreign policy ledgers are lengthy and fulsome.” Mr. Carter’s brokerage of the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt remain his most undisputed success. But Mr. Bird also highlights Carter policies sometimes associated more with others. Mr. Carter negotiated SALT II nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union, leaving Reagan a firm foundation for his dealings with the Kremlin.

The Iran hostage crisis cemented Mr. Carter’s defeat. But Mr. Bird and Stuart Eizenstat, Mr. Carter’s domestic policy adviser, detail in their books how Mr. Carter and his administra­tion won the hostages’ release, even if Tehran held them until Reagan’s inaugurati­on.

On the domestic front, it was Mr. Carter, not Reagan, who started the widespread deregulati­on of industries including airlines, natural gas, railroads and trucking. Mr. Carter came as close to a major health care overhaul as any president did until President Barack Obama’s 2010 Affordable Care Act.

And for all the political damage Mr. Carter suffered for inflation, it was Mr. Carter’s appointee as Federal Reserve chairman, Paul Volcker, whose monetary policies curbed the spikes of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Jason Carter said the new wave of analyses look beyond “the political failure of not getting re-elected as the defining factor” of Mr. Carter’s presidency.

Beyond policy details, Amber Roessner, a 41-yearold University of Tennessee professor who wrote “Jimmy Carter and the Birth of the Marathon Media Campaign,” said Mr. Carter’s broader political identity from the 1970s has “regained some saliency.”

Mr. Carter, she said, ran and governed with a “message of moral reform,” emphasizin­g competence and moderation. He espoused his born-again Christiani­ty and called in his nomination acceptance for “love to be aggressive­ly translated into simple justice.”

In 1976, that was the antidote to the Watergate scandal, Nixon’s resignatio­n and the dynamics that lingered from Vietnam and the civil rights era. Now, it translates to the 21st century’s hyperparti­san politics, the nation’s latest reckoning with racism and former President Donald Trump’s turbulent tenure..

“There are so many parallels,” Ms. Roessner said.

It was enough to draw multiple Democratic presidenti­al candidates to Plains during the 2020 presidenti­al campaign, something that hadn’t happened in the previous four decades.

“There was so much distrust in government, [and] he had a message of truth and honesty,” Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar told The Associated Press, explaining after one of her visits why she sometimes invoked Mr. Carter as she campaigned.

Mr.Biden, who as a young Delaware politician became the first U.S. senator to endorse Mr. Carter’s 1976 bid, capped the pilgrimage parade in April, as he and first lady Jill Biden visited privately with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter at their home.

“We talked about old times,” Mr. Biden told reporters afterward.

If anything, two presidents huddling in smalltown south Georgia carried a weightier message: Old is new again.

 ?? David Goldman/Associated Press ?? Former President Jimmy Carter, front right, and his wife, Rosalynn, leave a ribbon-cutting ceremony a few years ago for a solar panel project on farmland he owns in their hometown of Plains, Ga. Forty years removed from the White House, Mr. Carter is riding a new wave of attention as Democrats push for a recasting of his presidentc­y.
David Goldman/Associated Press Former President Jimmy Carter, front right, and his wife, Rosalynn, leave a ribbon-cutting ceremony a few years ago for a solar panel project on farmland he owns in their hometown of Plains, Ga. Forty years removed from the White House, Mr. Carter is riding a new wave of attention as Democrats push for a recasting of his presidentc­y.

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