Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

U.S. beefing up forces in Middle East to counter Iran

Trump says troops’ role ‘mostly protective’


WASHINGTON — The U.S. will send hundreds of additional troops and a dozen fighter jets to the Middle East in the coming weeks to counter what the Pentagon said is an escalating campaign by Iran to plan attacks against the U.S. and its interests in the region. And for the first time, Pentagon officials on Friday publicly blamed Iran and its proxies for recent tanker bombings near United Arab Emirates and a rocket attack in Iraq.

President Donald Trump told reporters Friday that the 1,500 troops would have a “mostly protective” role as part of a build-up that began this month in response to what the U.S. said was a threat from Iran, without providing details or evidence.

Vice Admiral Michael Gilday told Pentagon reporters that the U.S. has “very high confidence” that Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard was responsibl­e for the explosions on four tankers, and that Iranian proxies in Iraq fired rockets into Baghdad. He said Iran also tried to deploy modified small boats that were capable of launching cruise missiles.

The deployment­s announced Friday include a squadron of 12 fighter jets, manned and unmanned surveillan­ce aircraft, and a number of military engineers to beef up protection for forces. In addition a battalion of four Patriot missile batteries that were scheduled to leave the Middle East has been ordered to stay. The total number of troops involved is about 1,500, with roughly 600 included in the Patriot battalion.

“We are going to be sending a relatively small number of troops, mostly protective,” the president said at the White House before setting off on a trip to Japan. “Some very talented people are going to the Middle East right now and we’ll see what happens.”

Mr. Trump has in recent weeks alternated between tough talk toward Iran and a more conciliato­ry message, insisting he is open to negotiatio­ns with the Islamic Republic. He seemed to downplay the prospect of conflict when he spoke at the White House.

“Right now, I don’t think Iran wants to fight and I certainly don’t think they want to fight with us,” he said.

Briefing reporters at the Pentagon, Adm. Gilday, the Joint Staff director, did not provide direct evidence to back up claims tying Iran to the attacks. He told reporters the conclusion­s were based on intelligen­ce and evidence gathered in the region, and officials said they are trying to declassify some of the informatio­n so that it could be made public.

The announceme­nt of additional forces was met with mixed reviews.

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Democrat Adam Smith, of Wash

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