Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


Missouri governor signs one into law; Mississipp­i measure is blocked.


Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Friday signed a bill that bans abortions on or beyond the eighth week of pregnancy without exceptions for cases of rape or incest, making it among the most restrictiv­e abortion policies in the nation.

Meanwhile, in Mississipp­i, a federal judge on Friday temporaril­y blocked a state law that would ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, at about six weeks of pregnancy.

“Here we go again,” U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves wrote in his order in Jackson, Miss. “Mississipp­i has passed another law banning abortions prior to viability.”

Judge Reeves’ new order stops the law from taking effect July 1. He is the same judge who struck down a 2018 Mississipp­i law to ban abortion at 15 weeks.

The Missouri law, which goes into force Aug. 28, states that doctors who violate the eight-week cutoff could face five to 15 years in prison. Women who terminate their pregnancie­s cannot be prosecuted. A legal challenge is expected, although it’s unclear when that might occur.

The measure includes exceptions for medical emergencie­s, such as when there is a risk of death or permanent physical injuries to “a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.” But the lack of exceptions for women who find themselves pregnant after being raped or subjected to incest has drawn sharp criticism, including from wealthy GOP donor David Humphreys, a Missouri businessma­n, who had urged the Republican governor to veto the bill and called it “bad public policy.”

“I have to believe that the politician­s in Jeff City that voted for this bill would themselves support their wives or daughters’ right to choose if their loved ones were raped,” Mr. Humphreys said.

Greg Blair, a consultant who released Mr. Humphreys’ statement, told The Associated Press on Friday that Mr. Humphreys would be willing to fund a possible ballot initiative to repeal the legislatio­n.

Mr. Parson defended the lack of exceptions as he spoke to a group of abortion opponents gathered Friday for the bill signing in his Capitol office.

“Is it a terrible thing that happens in those situations? Yes it is . ... But the reality of it is bad things do happen sometimes. But you have two months to decide what you’re going to do with that issue, and I believe in two months you can make a decision,” he said.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri said it was exploring “all options, including litigation, to block the law from going into effect.” The organizati­on’s state legislativ­e and policy director, Sara Baker, in a statement said the bill is “unconstitu­tional, and it must be stopped.”

Alabama’s governor signed a bill on May 15 making performing an abortion a felony in nearly all cases. Supporters have said they hope to provoke a legal challenge that will eventually force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit its landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationally.

Unlike Alabama’s near-total abortion ban, lawmakers who helped draft the Missouri bill say it’s meant to withstand court challenges instead of spark them. If the eight-week ban is struck down, the bill includes a ladder of less-restrictiv­e time limits at 14, 18 or 20 weeks.

Missouri’s bill also includes an outright ban on abortions except in cases of medical emergencie­s, but that would kick in only if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Missouri Right to Life called it “the strongest pro-life bill in Missouri history.”

Missouri state House Democratic Minority Leader Crystal Quade said in a written statement the new law treats women “as little more than fetal incubators with no rights or role in the decision, even in cases of rape and incest.”

Kentucky, Ohio and Georgia also have approved bans on abortions once fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which can occur in about the sixth week of pregnancy. Some of those laws already have been challenged in court, and similar restrictio­ns in North Dakota and Iowa have been struck down by judges.

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