Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Modi surges to victory in India

Hindu-nationalis­t party’s success raises fears among nation’s Muslims


NEW DELHI — Narendra Modi, India’s charismati­c but polarizing prime minister, was headed for a landslide election victory Thursday, propelling his Hindu nationalis­t party to back-to-back majorities in parliament for the first time in decades.

With most of the votes counted, Mr. Modi’s stunning re-election mirrored a global trend of right-wing populists sweeping to victory, from the United States to Brazil to Italy, often on a platform promoting a tough stand on national security, protection­ist trade policies and putting up barriers to immigratio­n.

The victory in India was widely seen as a referendum on Mr. Modi’s Hindufirst politics that some observers say have bred intoleranc­e toward Muslims and other religious minorities, as well as his muscular stance on neighborin­g Pakistan, with whom India nearly went to war earlier this year.

“India wins yet again,” Mr. Modi exulted in a tweet.

Election Commission data by Friday morning showed the Bharatiya Janata Party winning 287 out of the 525 seats in the Lok Sabha, India’s lower house of Parliament. The party’s top rival, the Indian National Congress led by Rahul Gandhi, won 50 seats, and the All India Trinamool Congress led by West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee won 19 seats. The final results are not in for the remaining 42 seats.

Addressing thousands of party workers celebratin­g the outcome, Mr. Modi urged the world to “recognize India’s democratic power.” He attributed the party’s showing to his policies aimed at improving the lot of the nation’s poor, including free medical insurance, relief for distressed farmers and a highly popular program to build 100 million toilets in a nation where basic sanitation remains a major problem.

The election victory was a resounding endorsemen­t of the 68-year-old Mr. Modi, whose economic reforms have had mixed results but whose background as a social underdog from a lowercaste Hindu family clearly inspired some in India’s highly stratified society, appealing to tens of millions of Indians seeking upward mobility. Critics have said his Hindu-first platform risks exacerbati­ng social tensions in the country of 1.3 billion people.

Since Mr. Modi led the Bharatiya Janata Party to power in 2014, Hindu mobs have lynched dozens of Muslims and lower-caste Dalits — people in India’s strict social hierarchy once considered “untouchabl­e” — for consuming or slaughteri­ng cows, which Hindus consider sacred.

Mr. Modi has largely shown complacenc­y toward rising incidents of violence and discrimina­tion against minorities, and to rhetoric like that of his party’s president, who called mainly Muslim Bangladesh­i migrants to India “termites,” or one of BJP’s candidates for parliament, who described peace activist Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin as a “patriot.” Activists, lawyers, journalist­s and academics have been harassed and even prosecuted under anti-terrorism and anti-sedition laws.

But on the campaign trail, Mr. Modi seized on his personal narrative, presenting himself as a self-made man with the confidence to cut red tape and unleash India’s economic potential, and labeling Congress party president Rahul Gandhi as an out-of-touch member of the elite. This resonated in India, where an anti-corruption movement helped lead to the ouster of Congress partly for the perceived excesses of the Gandhi family, and for the bloated and inefficien­t bureaucrac­ies Congress ran as the ruling party for nearly a half-century after independen­ce.

Even before the election commission had released any official results, calls came in from around the world — President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Zinping, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — rushing to congratula­te Mr. Modi.

 ?? Manish Swarup/Associated Press ?? India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah is showered with flower petals as he arrives at the party office Thursday in New Delhi, India. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party claimed it had won re-election with a commanding lead in Thursday’s vote count, and the stock market soared in anticipati­on of another five-year term for the pro-business Hindu nationalis­t leader.
Manish Swarup/Associated Press India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah is showered with flower petals as he arrives at the party office Thursday in New Delhi, India. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party claimed it had won re-election with a commanding lead in Thursday’s vote count, and the stock market soared in anticipati­on of another five-year term for the pro-business Hindu nationalis­t leader.

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