Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Times have changed


The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constituti­on provides that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” It was adopted as part of the Bill of Rights in December 1791. My interpreta­tion of this amendment is that the second clause is directly tied to and dependent upon the first.

At that time, a large portion of our population resided in small towns and villages, which lacked the police forces that we have today. Security and defense were provided by citizens who would arm themselves whenever there was a threat. Today, however, we have local police forces for those purposes. What was then the militia is now the national guard of each state.

Accordingl­y, to return the Second Amendment to its original purpose and intent, I think that it should be amended as suggested by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and mentioned in a letter by Ken Perkins (Feb. 20, “2nd Amendment Wording Change Is Warranted”).

Arming teachers or school staff will not work, as this could result in gun fights and turn our classrooms into Old Weststyle saloons and make hallways resemble long-ago Front Street in Dodge City or Allen Street in Tombstone.

Part of what is happening in today’s society can be related to what we see on television and in the movies — violence. Gone are the days of “The Ed Sullivan Show” and “The Colgate Comedy Hour” and films such as the MGM musicals.


Mt. Lebanon

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