Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Senators consider options on health bill

- By Alan Fram

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Remember the Republican health care bill?

Washington is fixated on President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey and burgeoning investigat­ions into possible connection­s between Mr. Trump’s presidenti­al campaign and Russia.

But in closed-door meetings, Senate Republican­s are trying to write legislatio­n dismantlin­g President Barack Obama’s health care law. They would substitute their own tax credits, ease coverage requiremen­ts and cut the federal-state Medicaid program for the poor and disabled that Mr. Obama enlarged.

The House passed its version this month, but not without difficulty, and now Republican­s who run the Senate are finding hurdles, too. A look at some of those obstacles and what senators are trying to doing about them:

Short-term fix?

GOP senators say they’re discussing a possible shortterm bill if their health care talks drag on. It might include money to help stabilize shaky insurance markets with subsidies to reduce out-of-pocket costs for low-earning people and letting states offer skimpier, and therefore less expensive, policies.

It’s unclear Democrats would offer their needed cooperatio­n, but Republican­s are talking about it.

“We’ve discussed quite a bit the possibilit­y of a twostep process,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. “In 2018 and ’19, we’d basically be a rescue team to make sure people can buy insurance.”

That could mean Republican­s might even temporaril­y extend Mr. Obama’s individual mandate — the requiremen­t that people to buy coverage or face tax penalties. It’s perhaps the part of Mr. Obama’s law that Republican­s most detest. But it does prompt some people to purchase insurance, which helps curb premiums and make markets viable.

Mr. Alexander, R-Tenn., said there’s a “strong bias” to address short- and longterm problems in a single bill.

Time is ticking

Because Democrats oppose the repeal effort unanimousl­y, Republican­s will need 50 of their 52 senators to back their overhaul so Vice President Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote would clinch passage. GOP senators show no signs of producing a bill soon.

Time is important, especially with Mr. Trump’s problems distractin­g lawmakers. Insurance companies could grow increasing­ly spooked by the uncertaint­y and make health care markets even worse by raising premiums or pulling out.

Also, the longer it takes Republican­s to write the legislatio­n, the less time they’ll have for tax cuts and other GOP priorities.

GOP divisions

The House version would end in 2020 the extra federal payments that states get under Mr. Obama’s law for expanding Medicaid to additional people. Senate conservati­ves prefer to start phasing out that money next year. But 20 GOP senators come from states that expanded Medicaid and want to protect those voters, so many would rather reduce the payments over many years.

Conservati­ves and moderates are also bickering over how tightly to cut future spending on the entire Medicaid program.

Many Republican­s want to refocus the House’s health care tax credits, which grow with people’s ages, by boosting subsidies for lower earners. Eager to reduce premiums, many want to roll back Obama mandates such as requiring insurers to cover specified services, including substance abuse counseling, but there are questions about how far to go.

Decisions await on helping states subsidize people with costly medical conditions and keeping insurers from fleeing unprofitab­le markets.

Making Medicaid, the tax credits and other programs more generous than the House will cost many billions of dollars. Senators will need ways to pay for that.

Budget uncertaint­y

The Congressio­nal Budget Office plans to release its estimate Wednesday of the House health care bill’s cost and how it would affect coverage. Those numbers will give senators a starting point and could be a big deal.

Congress’ nonpartisa­n budget analyst projected in March that an earlier House version would mean 24 million additional uninsured people. That scared off many Republican­s and complicate­d House leaders’ job of passing their legislatio­n.

Senators will examine whether the House bill still cuts Medicaid by $840 billion over a decade and reduces taxes — largely on higher earners and health industry sectors — by around $1 trillion. Democrats targeted both reductions as unfair.

 ??  ?? Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., right, accompanie­d by the committee's ranking member Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. speaks on Capitol Hill.
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., right, accompanie­d by the committee's ranking member Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. speaks on Capitol Hill.

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