
Star Codes

- Heather Roan Robbins www.roanrobbin­

IT IS A WONDERFUL TIME to pursue a common goal as the sun joins Venus in social, political, community-oriented Aquarius. A sensitive Pisces moon conjuncts Neptune this weekend, and we want to live our ideals, or at least live in a friendly, hopeful place. Our sensibilit­ies are heightened, and we can feel vulnerable yet inspired, easily moved by our vision and sentiment.

Some of us will be living out this community ideal by gathering for a women’s march. Others may choose to live this out by watching football together with their clan, getting lost on Facebook, or taking their dogs for a walk and feeling the pack support.

It can really help to find our chosen group and be inspired together, because we may otherwise have grim news to work through the rest of the week. With Mercury now in industriou­s Capricorn, we want to feel like we’re getting somewhere or we may get depressed.

On Sunday night the moon enters impatient Aries and asks us to take that vision and turn it into action. An eventful and intense Mercury-Pluto conjunctio­n in Scorpio brings a wake-up call on Wednesday. Let’s make sure that we mean what we say, because our words will have consequenc­e; decisions made now will be hard to change. Get strategic about whatever might stir our ire.

The mood then transmutes into a more solid but stubborn approach after Wednesday, when the moon enters earthy Taurus. Put one foot in front of the other.

FRIDAY, JAN. 19: Early-morning irritation can leave us sounding brusque, but the tone can inspire us to get a lot accomplish­ed. The mood shifts this afternoon and becomes softer and more idealistic as the moon enters sensitive Pisces. Industriou­sness can follow us tonight, but we need rest and magic.

SATURDAY, JAN. 20: We may have firm ideas about what we need to do and where we need to go, but we can find ourselves drifting or becoming distracted by side conversati­ons as the moon conjuncts Neptune this afternoon. Work around trust issues and physical discomfort­s in the late afternoon as Venus semi-sextiles Saturn. Rest in a dream tonight.

SUNDAY, JAN. 21: An optimistic mood can help us see beyond the limitation­s of our thinking, giving us a sense of hope. By the afternoon, the moon shifts into proactive Aries, and we need an action plan. Make sure impatient sparks head in the right direction.

MONDAY, JAN. 22: Cranky moments can give us energy if we have a plan to follow. Don’t ask for favors until midday, when the moon sextiles Venus. Mercury approaches Pluto and puts some big deals on the table; pay attention and do the homework.

TUESDAY, JAN. 23: We want to be part of something big and significan­t, but we can make mountains out of molehills in the process. Distinguis­h between what’s important and what has the illusion of urgency. Restlessne­ss pushes for a shift tonight as the Aries moon conjuncts Uranus.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24: We slow down, and can consider the consequenc­es of our actions more carefully as the moon enters stable Taurus and trines Saturn. Keep compassion in the heart and eyes on long-range goals.

THURSDAY, JAN. 25: Be ready to get the word out, put the website up, or just have an important and liberating conversati­on as voluble Mercury sextiles expansive Jupiter. Honor an unspoken feeling of territoria­lity that can make us possessive over minor as well as substantia­l things.

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