Oroville Mercury-Register

Agencies' projects receive millions

Another grant goes to county drought relief

- By Jake Hutchison jhutchison@chicoer.com

Late last year, two local groundwate­r sustainabi­lity agencies were notified that they would be receiving millions of dollars in state grant funding and will finally be able to manage major projects. With the unanimous support of the Butte County Board of Supervisor­s, both agencies have agreements in place.

In conjunctio­n with the county's Department of Water and Resource Conservati­on, the Vina Groundwate­r Sustainabi­lity Agency has $5.535 million to go toward a handful of upcoming projects. Additional­ly, the Wyandotte Creek GSA received $5.527 million via the same California Sustainabl­e Groundwate­r Management grant.

Water and Resource Conservati­on Director Kammie Loeser brought the item before the board on Tuesday asking for authorizat­ion to allow the GSAs to manage the grant funding going forward.

“Each GSA board directed their respective management committees to develop recipient agreements with Butte County for grant administra­tion and project coordinati­on as well as retain consultant­s for the implementa­tion of various projects or components,” Loeser said. “I will also note that the GSAs are contractin­g directly with consultant­s for some of the projects with Butte County.”

The county's contract with the Vina GSA has a maximum payout of $1,470,000 while the contract with the Wyandotte Creek GSA's maximum amount will be $1,025,000 for managing the grant funding. Both contracts last through April 15, 2026.

Once the management contracts were approved, the board went on to approve two contracts for future groundwate­r-related projects.

The first was with Rancho Cordova-based firm Geosyntec Consultant­s, Inc. for a recharge feasibilit­y analysis for the Vina subbasin to the tune of $685,000. Budgeted into that amount is a plan to enhance data management systems for the Wyandotte Creek GSA.

Supervisor­s unanimousl­y approved a second contract with Errol L. Montgomery and Associates, Inc. of Sacramento for coordinati­on and modeling services for both the Wyandotte Creek and Vina subbasins at the cost of $467,000.

Supervisor Bill Connelly was on vacation and unable to attend Tuesday's meeting, meaning the unanimous votes consisted of the remaining four supervisor­s.

Drought relief

On Tuesday, the county accepted an additional grant of $5.6 million from the Community Wide Regional Funding Grant program that will go toward the Butte County Drought Resilience and Outreach Project, or DROP.

The project consists of water hauling for those on water directly affected by the drought.

Briana Haberman, deputy administra­tive officer with Butte County Emergency Management provided a statement regarding the new funding.

“Fortunatel­y, 2023 was an extremely wet water year; however, new dry wells were still reported throughout the County,” Haberman said. “There is still an ongoing need for these services. The DROP will allow Emergency Management to continue to assist Butte County property owners impacted by dry wells.”

Other business

Aside from the various water-related grants, the board took the following actions:

• A grant for just north of $5.2 million was accepted by the county and will go toward the expansion of Butte County Behavioral Health's Stepping Stones Facility in Chico. The county matched $469,211, which pushed the total funding to $5,670,951.

• A $1,861,500 contract with Traditions Psychiatry Group for services at the county's psychiatri­c health facility was unanimousl­y approved. The term of the contract lasts through June 30, 2025.

• Sheriff Kory Honea gave presentati­ons regarding military equipment use as well as Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t access to inmates.

“There is still an ongoing need for these services. The DROP will allow Emergency Management to continue to assist Butte County property owners impacted by dry wells.” — Briana Haberman, deputy administra­tive officer with Butte County Emergency Management

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