Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @energy company


I am ticked off by cold and old pizza and cheesy bread! Ordering pizza delivery is not cheap these days! One pizza with two toppings is over $16 all by itself! Not to mention the cost of cheesy bread, the service or delivery fee, tax, and a 20% tip, and before you know it your order is over $30 in spite of using a coupon! When I pay that much money, I expect hot and fresh food! If I wanted pizza that tasted old or stale, I would buy a frozen pizza and cook it myself! I am beyond ticked off that I am paying more for lower quality!

About the endless repeat of commercial selling use of vitamins. Stop! I’ve heard it too many times and I have no interest!

It ticks me off that the energy company that provides my electricit­y has the longest billing periods that correspond with the most likely highest usage months. In this manner, they are able to charge the premium for using above 1000 kW per month.

I agree with the MRI analysis. It’s more like torture than treatment.

I have a beautiful naturalize­d yard which hosts many native plants, birds, animals, butterflie­s, you name it. And people buy a house next to me, knowing what my yard looks like and then expect me to chop down things and rearrange things because they don’t like it. I have had my home for over 30 years so if you don’t like it, don’t buy a house near me. Don’t all the sudden move in, especially when you come from out of state and have no idea what the value or beauty is of these plants that I have in my yard, and expect me to cut them down just because you don’t like them. Go buy a house somewhere else, but don’t tick me off.

The flip side

We want to sincerely thank the person who found my husband’s phone at the post office and turned it in. He had retraced his steps, but had forgotten that he had to get out in order to reach the box when mailing a letter. Your kindness is greatly appreciate­d.

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