Orlando Sentinel

■ Scott Maxwell has his 4 takeaways from Tuesday’s election.


There’s a lot to unpack from this week’s election results. Here are four things that stand out:

1) Incumbents dominated. Every single legislator and congressio­nal rep who was seeking reelection — both Republican and Democrat — kept their seat in Central Florida.

2) If you live in these parts, you live in a dark blue community — but within a reliably red state.

3) Florida Republican­s are simply better at winning. Especially when the chips are down in tight races.

4) The polling industry should be toast.

Let’s look a bit deeper at each of these things.

The status quo won

As my newsroom colleagues and I studied the results Tuesday night, looking for trends, we were puzzled at first to see both Republican­s and Democrats doing so well in so many places. That’s when we realized what the winners had in common: Most were incumbents.

In fact, every single incumbent seeking reelection in Central Florida — for both the Legislatur­e and Congress — won reelection.

It didn’t matter whether the incumbents were super progressiv­e (like Anna Eskamani), super conservati­ve (like Anthony Sabatini) or relatively moderate (like Stephanie Murphy). They all won.

Even when races were tight — including the hard-fought battles over the state House seats held by Democrat Joy Goff-Marcil and Republican­s Scott Plakon and David Smith — the incumbent prevailed.

The bottom line? Never doubt the power of incum

Florida Republican­s are just really good at what they do — recruiting candidates, delivering a consistent message and turning out the vote.

bency with the bully pulpit and fundraisin­g potential it affords.

Orange is blue

With Republican­s controllin­g every significan­t lever of statelevel government in Florida, it’s easy to forget how liberal the landscape is in our own backyard.

Orange County went for Joe Biden over Donald Trump by lopsided 61-38 split. How blue is that? It’s a split that mirrors some of America’s better-known progressiv­e communitie­s such as Portland and Chicago.

Central Florida is blue as an overall region as well.

Basically, Orange and Osceola are dark blue. Lake is deep red. And Seminole is purple.

Put together the votes of all four counties, and you get a region that went 55-45 for Biden.

Florida is red

The second half of this point, though, is that Florida simply isn’t much of a swing state anymore.

Yes, Democrats outnumber Republican­s on the voter rolls. And yes, the results are often close. But those results almost always go the way Republican­s want — whether we’re talking about races for president, governor or U.S. Senate.

In the last six years, Florida

Democrats have won precisely one statewide race … for agricultur­e commission­er … with 50.04% of the vote.

When one team’s winning only one out of every 10 or so tries, it’s not really much of a competitio­n.

Republican­s are better at winning

There’s a lot of talk about Florida Democrats being a fractured mess. (Remember the famous Will Rogers quote: “I’m not a member of an organized party. I’m a Democrat.”)

But don’t overlook that Florida Republican­s are just really good at what they do — recruiting candidates, delivering a consistent message and turning out the vote.

Both sides talk big on Twitter. But Florida Republican­s are simply better at backing up the tweets on Election Day.

The death of polling

As the results trickled in during the wee hours of Wednesday morning, well-known GOP pollster Frank Luntz declared his industry was broken beyond repair.

“The political polling profession is done,” Luntz told Axios. “It is devastatin­g for my industry.”

Good. We should’ve put the industrial polling complex out of its misery in 2016 — at least as far as poll-obsessed media coverage goes.

This problem isn’t just with the presidenti­al race. We saw badly errant polls in U.S. Senate races (like North Carolina, where the Democrat was consistent­ly said to be ahead … right until he lost) and even local legislativ­e races (like Senate District 9, where polls suggested Democrat Patricia Sigman was ahead of Republican Jason Brodeur by as much as 7 points … until Sigman lost by 3).

The bigger problem, though, doesn’t even involve accuracy. (Because, yes, sometimes the polls are proven accurate.) The problem, as I and others have mentioned before, is that pollcentri­c media coverage is lazy journalism that focuses on daily horse-race updates instead of important issues and policy records.

We don’t need to know whether an aspiring legislator is up 2 or down 3. We need to know where they stand on important issues and what their track record says about whether they’ll keep their word.

If campaigns want to fund and rely upon polls for strategy, have at it.

But this cycle should forever end this errant approach to media coverage. Unfortunat­ely, I’m not holding my breath.

The last word

And finally, if something feels odd today, it’s probably because you’re a Floridian who is watching controvers­y about ballot counting unfold … and noticing that Florida somehow isn’t in the middle of it all.

We’re not used to that. Usually, when there’s an elections dumpster fire raging, Florida is the one holding the match.

So congratula­tions to the state’s elections supervisor­s this year

We may have introduced the world to the term “dangling chad,” but I think most of us would happily step out of the spotlight.

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 ?? MICHAEL LAUGHLIN/SUN SENTINEL ?? Thomas Ciaccio, of Fort Lauderdale, reacts to seeing Donald Trump winning the state of Florida, on Tuesday at Fort Lauderdale’s Hollywood Brewing Company.
MICHAEL LAUGHLIN/SUN SENTINEL Thomas Ciaccio, of Fort Lauderdale, reacts to seeing Donald Trump winning the state of Florida, on Tuesday at Fort Lauderdale’s Hollywood Brewing Company.

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