Orlando Sentinel

Man’s personaliz­ed messages on dating site need no reply

- Judith Martin

Dear Miss Manners: Iama male member of a popular dating website. When I read the profile of someone I’d like to meet, I write them a personaliz­ed letter pointing out some of our common interests, adding a bit of levity where I can, suggesting we meet for coffee and conversati­on. These letters generally run from five to eight sentences. In other words, I’ve put some effort into it.

I rarely receive any response. Since we are both members of this group seeking the same goal — companions­hip — doesn’t social etiquette require some acknowledg­ment of receipt and a response?

It could be simple: “Thank you for your interest. While I enjoyed reading your profile, I do not see us as a couple. Best of luck in your search”

I think it’s very rude to ignore someone’s personal communicat­ion to you. Jane Austen would be aghast at the behavior of her gender in the 21st century!

Gentle reader: Do you think so? Could you be confusing her with Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who allows no room for context when she issues directives?

The Miss Austen that Miss Manners knows is uncannily alert to the subtleties in any social situation. She gave ample evidence of being familiar with the tendency of eligible ladies to put themselves forward, as well as that of eligible gentlemen to examine the field.

Still, there is a significan­t difference between an Assembly at Bath and a flier that is advertisin­g goods to the general public. Online solicitati­ons, where no response need be made if there is no interest, are equivalent to the latter.

Although your tactful wording could serve as a model for rejecting an acquaintan­ce, there is really no charming way, other than silence, to express, “I can’t imagine that it would be worth my while to meet you.”

Dear Miss Manners: I can’t wrap my mind around those who find it acceptable to attempt to coerce their friends and family members into footing the bill for some unreasonab­le and ridiculous event that they have planned for themselves.

For instance, my brother was “invited” (if you can call it that) to his roommate/ “friend’s” wedding, which he would have had to pay $1,200 to attend in Mexico. My brother was to be one of the “best men” in the wedding, to top it off.

Oh, but the weirdest part is yet to come: This “friend” tracks my brother’s finances via snooping and eavesdropp­ing, and when my brother declined, citing a lack of funds, Adam said, “Well, what happened to the $() money you got from selling your car?”

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I told my brother to not-so-politely tell Adam to stick the wedding invitation where the sun doesn’t shine, move out as soon as humanly possible and distance himself from this person immediatel­y.

Gentle reader: How shocking of you. Miss Manners would have found a decent way of expressing that thought.

Dear Miss Manners: Is punctuatio­n in text messaging necessary?

Gentle reader: Only if you want to be understood

To send a question to the Miss Manners team of Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin, go to missmanner­s.com or write them c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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