Orlando Sentinel

Life Victories


As I reflect on my breast cancer experience, I find myself reliving the fears and tears but if this inspires just one person to get a mammogram or helps one person to get through your own experience, it is worth it. During an annual mammogram, they detected a mass and immediatel­y performed a sonogram. The sonogram still showed an abnormalit­y, so I was referred to a specialist.

The specialist performed a biopsy. Unfortunat­ely, it came back showing cancer. I am blessed that it was detected so early, but the fear of not knowing the outcome scared me. I asked a lot of questions until I felt comfortabl­e that I knew what to expect and got all the answers to “what if?” I wanted to mentally prepare myself for what could happen.

My doctor requested I get a BracAnalys­is test due to family history, which determines if you carry a genetic mutation and would help me decide if I needed to take more aggressive measures. Fortunatel­y, I did not carry this gene… one down!

I had a lumpectomy to remove the mass and another surgery to remove yet more tissue. The recovery was not bad at all. The next step for me was radiation, 8 weeks, every day (M-F).

I have followed up with my cancer doctor every six months, taking a daily pill to help prevent the cancer from returning. August is my 5 year mark!

My parting words…. Take the time to get mammograms and tell your loved ones to as well…. It saves lives!

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