Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

What makes a resume great?

- By Jeff Haden | Inc.

As the old saying goes, you can’t win a race in the first lap, but you can definitely lose one. The same is true with resumes: Even the greatest resume won’t, on its own, cause you to hire someone — but a relatively poor resume will almost always get tossed into the “no” pile.

So, if it all starts with a resume, how do you define a “good” resume? Or better yet, a “great” resume?

Science can partly answer the question. In 2016, researcher­s at the University of Michigan conducted a study “systematic­ally examining the impression management (IM) content of actual resumes and cover letters and empiricall­y testing the effect on applicant evaluation.”

Or, in nonresearc­her-speak, tried to figure out what does and doesn’t work when it comes to crafting a resume that lands a job interview.

In general terms, a little self-promotion (think a few superlativ­es like “excellent” and “outstandin­g”) is good; a lot is not. So is a little ingratiati­on (think “I would love to be a part of such an awesome team” or “I would love to contribute to such a worthwhile mission”); a lot is not. As with most things, moderation is key.

Helpful, but only to a point. While what a candidate has done is interestin­g, what you care about most is what the person you hire can do.

And to determine that, you also need a story.

According toBrian Brandt, a certified profession­al resume writer who specialize­s in crafting resumes for people seeking finance, technology, logistics, biotech and pharmaceut­ical positions, “A resume should be built from the candidate’s journey, but pointed to his or her future. A resume that scrolls the past is a document that elicits the wrong kinds of questions.” (More on that in a moment.) “The best resumes show the capacity to go where the candidate wants to go.”

Which, if you craft your job postings properly, will align with what you need the employee you hire to accomplish.

According to the University of Michigan research, what you ask for in a job posting is largely what you will get. Use lots of superlativ­es in your job postings, and most candidates will respond with lots of superlativ­es. Talk a lot about mission and purpose and culture, and you’ll get plenty of ingratiati­on.

The better approach? Imagine you’re looking for a person who has accomplish­ed specific things; a great resume — and great candidate — describes what the candidate has done, and tells a story that indicates their developmen­t and growth supports what you need them to actually do.

“The best resumes are never just reflection­s of accomplish­ments and achievemen­ts,” Brandt says. “They’re well-curated documents that move the conversati­on to second- and third-interview turf.”

And that’s where the “questions” issue comes into play. Some resumes spark the wrong kinds of questions: “Does the candidate possess the right attributes?” “Does the candidate have the right experience?” “Does the candidate possess the work ethic, interperso­nal skills and cultural fit?” Those questions indicate doubt.

The right questions? “That’s amazing; how did she do that?” “That was an interestin­g career move; I wonder why he shifted to a different functional role?” “Most operations managers didn’t spend their college summers working on archaeolog­y digs; I wonder how that all ties together?”

According to Brandt, those are the kinds of stories a great resume tells.

Because they answer the questions you most need answered — and will want to ask more about during job interviews. Whether the candidate’s actual accomplish­ments show they are capable of achieving what you need them to achieve. Whether the candidate displays values similar to those your organizati­on embraces. Whether the candidate displays the tangible and less tangible skills, attributes and qualities you need most.

A great resume provides the initial answers; job interviews provide the deeper, more substantiv­e answers.

So what should you look for in a resume? According to Brandt, a great resume tells a story that doesn’t make you ask whether the candidate might be able do the job. A great resume leaves you wanting to know not whether, but just how well, the candidate will do the job.

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