Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Opinions aren’t news


Last Sunday’s Democrat-Gazette editorial addressed the pathetic state of the news media in our country. A Gallup Poll was referenced finding only 16% of Americans trust TV “news.” The editorial said many news sources frame their news to fit a specific opinion rather than just presenting the facts.

Fox 16 News in Arkansas is an excellent example of that practice.

Here’s a sample. A couple of weeks ago a story about a Lockesburg church made national news. The church had posted a message on an outdoor sign which read, “Heaven has strict immigratio­n laws. Hell has open borders.” While some thought it cute, others were outraged and screamed it was racism against Hispanics.

As usual, it seems Fox 16 thought forcing its opinion down your throat was more important than objectivit­y. The studio anchor opinionato­r introduced the story by saying, “A controvers­ial message was plastered for everyone to see.” Yup, she’s telling us the message didn’t create controvers­y, but the message itself is controvers­ial. Big difference. Next, the station goes to an opinionato­r at the scene with the sign in the background. He opens by saying, “If the Bible says to love your neighbor, then the message from this church must have come from a different book.” Once more, another opinion peddler, but this one speaks as a biblical scholar as well.

This certainly isn’t journalism, but so what if they’re just storytelle­rs with a semester of creative writing? They attract viewers who are just probably waiting for the weather anyway, and sell advertisin­g in the process. And that’s all the station really cares about.

WILL COHEN North Little Rock

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