Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Cambodia forces virus-struck to quarantine in dingy camps


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The Cambodian government, racing to contain a raging coronaviru­s outbreak, has set up a system of forced quarantine centers that patients say are run more like makeshift prisons than hospitals. No one is allowed to leave until they test negative — and most people are stuck for at least 10 days.

Cambodia was a covid-19 success story until a few months ago. From 500 cases and no deaths in late February, there were 72,104 cases and 1,254 deaths by Saturday — with nearly 900 new cases per day and almost 70% of the fatalities coming in the preceding month.

The sprawling quarantine centers are the product of an overwhelme­d and underfunde­d health care system, a jolt of recent covid-19 deaths and an authoritar­ian streak that often turns to a robust security apparatus in times of trouble. The Cambodian government has gone from nonchalanc­e to closures to crackdowns.

In April, a law was passed that threatened 20 years in prison for anyone judged to have intentiona­lly spread the virus. During a recent curfew period, security forces patrolled neighborho­ods with bamboo canes.

Phnom Penh health officials confirmed this month that 21 covid-19 “care centers” had been set up across the capital, including state hospitals and various large venues that have been converted to hold the surging number of patients.

Or Vandine, a doctor who is secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, said she did not know how many patients were in the state-run quarantine camps, but that officials were doing all they could to “make conditions in the camps livable.”

At Koh Pich, a usually exclusive area that means “Diamond Island,” a former event space has been turned into an 1,800-bed facility with patients camped out in crumbling auditorium­s, all living on single beds about an arm’s length away from the next.

In the suburb of Sen Sok, a gargantuan wedding venue usually reserved for lavish parties hosted by Cambodia’s elite is now equipped to hold 1,500 people and is adorned with clotheslin­es, trash piles and confinemen­t fences.

And the sporting grounds of Olympic Stadium, a 1960s masterwork by Cambodian architect Vann Molyvann, now look like an industrial-scale medical center, complete with mobile barracks, isolation facilities and medics in protective suits.

The World Health Organizati­on representa­tive to Cambodia, Dr. Li Ailan, said Cambodia’s spike in covid-19 cases was caused by new, more infectious variants as well as a mix of pandemic fatigue and the false belief that vaccines prevent all infection. She said there were “pros and cons” to the government’s methods.

“While it is important to keep positive people in quarantine centers, it is equally important to provide them effective treatment,” she said. “The quarantine centers have a defined number of people living in each of them, while people with severe or critical symptoms are being treated in the referral hospitals.”

Cambodia is at a critical stage of its covid-19 response, with outbreaks in factories, prisons, markets and small communitie­s, Li said. “Vaccines are an important tool in fighting covid-19, but they will not end the pandemic.”

Cambodia’s vaccinatio­n program has been praised for reaching 6.3 million of the country’s 16 million people. Yet many of the patients in the quarantine center at Koh Pich had been vaccinated and were asymptomat­ic.

The Ministry of Health has denied that the centers are overcrowde­d. Those who end up there were tested at their workplaces, went to a public clinic to get checked or were ordered to go to a state-run testing site, where a positive result leads straight to a quarantine center.

“We don’t trust the informatio­n that’s out there or the data that’s given to us,” said Khun Tharo, a veteran activist and program manager for the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights.

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