Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dump daylight saving


It’s nearly that time of year again when Americans reset their clocks one hour ahead, grumble about losing an hour of sleep — and wonder why on Earth we keep observing the outdated tradition of tinkering with time twice a year.

It’s a good question. There’s no practical benefit to the biannual clock-changing ritual beyond reminding people to check their smoke alarm batteries. But there are plenty of annoyances and maybe some health risks, too. It sows confusion and discombobu­lation (is it spring forward, fall back — or the other way round?). Some studies have found a correlatio­n between changing the clocks and increased heart attacks, strokes and car accidents. That’s not proof, of course, but given how messing with time schedules can disrupt sleep, and messing with sleep can decrease alertness and impair physical health, it’s not hard to see a connection.

But inertia is a powerful force. We keep doing it because we’ve been doing it.

Neverthele­ss, momentum is building nationally to dump this practice and stick with daylight saving time year round. (In the event you are confused — and many of us are — daylight saving is recognized for the eight months from March to November; standard time is what we revert to for the other four months.)

Time may be running short for the clock-changing foolishnes­s. This week Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., reintroduc­ed a bill that would put the nation on permanent daylight saving time. It’s the third time he has proposed this change since 2018, when his state’s Legislatur­e voted in favor of stopping the time shift. Earlier versions didn’t get very far. This time may be different, however, because Rubio has enlisted the support of seven other senators from both parties.

We sure hope the third time is the charm because the benefits for keeping this tradition, if there ever were any, aren’t relevant in 2021. It didn’t deliver any significan­t energy savings, as was hoped when adopted during World War I. And though we have all heard the argument about kids having to walk to school in the dark if we don’t move the clocks back for winter, it’s not really an issue today. Most young schoolchil­dren don’t walk to school by themselves anymore, because it’s not perceived to be safe no matter how light it is outside.

There are some who would prefer permanent standard time, which means more daylight in the morning year round. But we think it makes more sense to have more daylight at the end of the day when more people are awake and active.

But the most important thing is for us to stop messing with the clocks twice a year. Time’s up for this silly tradition.

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