Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Showing ignorance


First, covid-19 is a terrible disease, killing more than 300,000 people in the U.S. However, the symptom the covid illness demonstrat­es is our ignorance. As a society we have evolved with science and medical leaders showing and telling us how to combat this illness and hopefully minimize our losses. Instead many listen to a portion of society that believes that masks are an infringeme­nt of their rights.

A true example of this was when my wife and I voted in the past election. My wife and I got in line behind a mom and her son (who happened to be wearing MAGA hats) into the church gym, both ending up maskless. We stayed socially distanced as we meandered through the line with voting booths on our right side when a masked elderly woman on oxygen and a walker exited from her voting booth. The look on her face as she looked up at those two will be with me for a while as we backed up to allow her some space to walk behind them. As the couple arrived at voter check-in, the poll worker told them to remove their hats; they immediatel­y asked why. She replied that there was a law against electionee­ring, which prompted more questions. They finally did remove their hats; the son replaced his with a rebel flag bandana. The sad part of this example is that it probably happened across most if not all Arkansas polling places.

Our elected officials are propagatin­g this in their own misbehavio­r and lack of action. If Asa

really cared about saving lives, he ought to start Biden’s 100 days of mask- wearing mandate here in Arkansas in all public places. My current favorite unknown quote: “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” Only this time, remaining “stupid” causes innocents to die. The societal illness is our ignorance; covid-19 is just one glaring symptom. ANDY CONNAUGHTO­N


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