Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Waiting and watching


To our congressio­nal delegation: I recall the late Sen. Dale Bumpers describing his difficult vote in favor of transferri­ng ownership of the Panama Canal. He knew well that most Arkansans did not support the transfer of the canal. He studied the issue, visited the Canal Zone, and engaged Arkansans in an objective and factbased dialogue about the implicatio­ns of his vote (see David McCullough’s “Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914”). He later reflected that part of being a senator included a respectful and moral teaching role — sharing facts, scenarios, and the courage to make a morally correct decision and not just one that is politicall­y popular.

My guess is that you all would not have agreed with Senator Bumpers, but I wonder what moral and informed reflection, such that Senator Bumpers engaged in, would steer you back toward deliberati­ve democracy and a sense of decency.

At the time of this writing, none of you have challenged President Trump’s palpable lies regarding the election. History will situate each of you on the side of a dreadful, hateful and proven liar — not on the side of democracy.

Your collective solidarity will serve as future cautionary tales for our young people and a reminder of the lessons of modern American history — the embrace of intoleranc­e, abuse of power, and reckless hero worship puts in peril our quest for a more perfect union.

I pray that each of you will reflect on your lack of moral courage and seek a more loving and bipartisan path, starting with recognizin­g the fairness and accuracy of our recent national election. Many of us here in Arkansas will be waiting and watching — I certainly will be.


Little Rock

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