Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ya gotta love ’em

Because if you don’t, you’re drummed out


Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming, We’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio.

—Crosby, Stills, Nash and (mostly) Young

THE CALENDAR says 2020, but it might as well be 1984. Big Brother is watching, and anybody who doesn’t rage during the Two Minutes of Hate might be considered less than sufficient­ly compliant with the party’s thinking. Or, if not party, then the proper causes. And these days, the causes on American college campuses are uniformly one-sided.

You might have first heard the name Kaitlin Bennett a couple of years back when this soi-disant conservati­ve “thinker” strapped an assault rifle to her back while walking around Kent State.

Yes, she’s very young. But you’d think anybody attending Kent State would be familiar with May 4, 1970. (What if you knew her/and found her dead on the ground/how can you run when you know?) If strapping an AR-something to your back while strutting around Kent State is still free speech, it should also be considered, by conservati­ves no less, as ill-mannered. Or do we still believe in manners in 2020?

That being said, we didn’t see any guns strapped to her back when young Ms. Bennett visited another campus at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, this week. (That campus is not to be mistaken with Ohio State University, which dominates ESPN channels.)

Instead, it appears as though Kaitlin Bennett was trying to make a video— that is, a point—on Presidents’ Day by asking college kids random trivia questions about presidents. At least she claimed that was her intention. Until a mob of students surrounded her, and ran her off campus.

Talk about ill-mannered. Somebody in Ms. Bennett’s entourage, if not Ms. Bennett herself, took videos of the mob. People were throwing liquids at her, waving a certain finger in the air, and generally acting like punks and jerks. Kaitlin Bennett was smart to pack up and leave, before she got hurt.

You have to love the liberal echo chambers that universiti­es have become. Seriously, you have to love them. Because if you don’t love them, you’re likely to be run off campus by an angry mob who will throw hot coffee on you, among other things.

When the very places in a society that are supposed to be centers of free inquiry and robust debate become robotic repeaters of the party line, what hope is there for once-free society?

Parents who are paying for the education of their children at certain colleges in Ohio, and not just Ohio, should ask that question. And demand an answer.

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