Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Meal spurs scrutiny of poll workers’ political affiliatio­ns


A barbecue lunch spurred a conversati­on about the party affiliatio­ns of Pulaski County poll workers, with an election commission­er arguing the roster has had too many Democrats.

The lunch topped a list of snafus documented during this year’s House District 36 special primary election, when a Democratic candidate took the barbecue to poll workers, also Democrats, at two early-voting sites.

Election Commission chairwoman Evelyn Gomez and elections director Bryan Poe said they don’t have evidence suggesting the candidate, Darrell Stephens, knew of the poll workers’ party

affiliatio­ns when he provided the lunch. He didn’t return a call seeking comment.

Stephens didn’t win, but the episode sparked talk about a potential appearance of impropriet­y, as well as pools of election workers commission­ers and staff members said have fallen out of balance.

“We’re not going to have one party in charge,” said Gomez, a Republican appointee to the three-member commission. “We want to make sure it’s fair, fair representa­tion. And that we don’t get in a problem where we do have a partisan issue, where it’s a single party that’s controllin­g everything.”

She specifical­ly referred to poll workers for that election’s runoff in Pulaski County. For that vote, 75 poll workers were Democrats, five were independen­ts, three were Republican­s and one worker didn’t list his affiliatio­n.

While commission­ers have taken no formal action, members at an October meeting discussed interest in more closely hewing to a statute allowing them to consider workers’ party affiliatio­ns when assigning them to polling sites.

The statute doesn’t express a requiremen­t, but it’s written to let the minority-party commission­er appoint one less worker than the majority at each polling site, for example, three Republican­s, two Democrats and an independen­t.

Commission­ers following that guideline would bump up the number of Republican­s at Pulaski County polling sites, boosting participat­ion by workers aligned with the state’s majority party in one of its most Democratic-leaning counties.

Gomez said she wasn’t concerned about any potential appearance of partisansh­ip under that approach “because the goal is to be as fair and honest as possible.”

“It’s not so much that I need to have 60% Republican­s. … We want to follow the law,” she said.


Like other Arkansas counties, Pulaski County’s election commission consists of two state majority-party (Republican­s) appointees and one elected by the state’s minority party (Democrats).

Of total active poll workers in the state’s most populous county, 523 of 964 are Democrats, 183 are Republican­s, 240 are independen­ts and 18 left blank a field indicating their party affiliatio­ns.

During a discussion of poll workers’ affiliatio­ns while looking over assignment lists for Tuesday’s coming election, Gomez praised what she said was a “better mix” than previous commission­ers had reviewed.

But Election Commission staff members expressed some reservatio­ns when commission­ers raised the idea to more closely scrutinizi­ng party affiliatio­ns in deciding polling place assignment­s.

Poe, the elections director, told commission­ers such an approach hasn’t been implemente­d successful­ly in the past, and assistant elections director Shawn Camp explained why it could be difficult.

“Certain parts of the county have more Republican­s, certain parts have more Democrats,” he said. “We can ask people if they want to work at a certain place; they may or may not say yes.

“So while we may have a sufficient number of Republican­s, countywide, they may not be willing to drive to Martindale Baptist Church or Pilgrim Rest [Baptist Church].”

“But did you go ahead and ask them?” Gomez asked Camp.

Because the coming election was just a few weeks away at that time, commission­ers decided to dig into the matter in a future meeting, with Gomez urging a fresh look at the “lopsided” poll worker assignment­s.

Poe said later a divide in workers’ political affiliatio­ns in the county has come to his attention in recent years and emerged as a concern in 2016.

About 40% of poll workers in the 2016 general election were Democrats. In the 2018 general election, 55% of poll workers in the county were Democrats, 18% were Republican and 26% were Independen­t or no affiliatio­n was listed.

Efforts to change those proportion­s, however, have met with “uneven results,” Poe said, complicate­d by the fact the law “strongly suggests” workers should be assigned to stations in their own precincts.

“We’re going to use everybody. It’s just that we wish it was more balanced than it is,” he said.

More attention to affiliatio­n when appointing poll workers also would make Pulaski County a bit of an outlier among large counties in the state.

Arkansans can work at the polls without declaring any party affiliatio­ns, and many commission­ers said partisan ties have little or no bearing on their selection or assignment of workers.

The uphill battle, several said, is staffing the polls in the first place.

“We do not consider party affiliatio­n,” said Benton County Election Commission Chairman Russ Anzalone, a Republican appointee.

“We are happy to get poll workers — let alone trying to get a mix of Republican and Democrat individual­s at each one of the polls.”


Arkansas is among 48 states providing instructio­ns about the party makeup of poll workers in state statutes, according to the National Conference of State Legislatur­es.

For example, no more than half of election judges (a category of poll worker) in a precinct may be of the same political party in Minnesota, and no more than a simple majority in any precinct may be the same in Iowa.

Those rules are designed to provide “low-level security” during elections, said Lonna Atkeson, a University of New Mexico political scientist who directs its Center for Voting, Elections and Democracy.

“The nature of the game is competitiv­e, and people cheat when they can,” she said. “If you have both parties there, then the chance of the collusion among poll workers is much lower.”

A U.S. Election Assistance Commission report shows Arkansas is one of just a few states, including Connecticu­t and Maryland, to codify recommenda­tions on party affiliatio­n assignment­s by polling site, rather than precinct.

The nuts and bolts of that option in state law are familiar to election commission­ers in nine larger Arkansas counties, but its execution is infrequent, many said.

“We don’t find [considerin­g affiliatio­n] to be a necessity. … Our main thing is getting poll workers,” said Renee Oelschlaeg­er, the Republican-appointed chairwoman of the Washington County Election Commission.

“If you can get good poll workers — people who are conscienti­ous about doing their job — in our view, [party affiliatio­n is] pretty irrelevant.”

Concerns about poll workers’ party affiliatio­ns hasn’t come up in the 25 years that Gene Haley, the Republican-appointed chairman of the Garland County Election Commission, has been involved with elections.

“It’s really a non-issue, unless somebody complains, and so far that hasn’t happened,” he said.

“As much talk [as there is] in the media and anger and stuff, at some point it might come up,” Haley said.

In White County, Republican-appointed election commission­er

Robert Allen said the need for 220-250 workers can be difficult to meet, and his commission tends to use everybody who will volunteer.

“As long as we can find people able to stay awake for 13 hours and not on a respirator, we grab them,” Jefferson County election commission­er Stu Soffer, also a Republican appointee, said in an email.

“Finding good, honest poll workers is a challenge, and we really don’t care what their politics are.”

Election commission­ers in Sebastian County do give some thought to workers’ part affiliatio­ns, Republican-appointed chairman David Damron said.

He hasn’t heard complaints about the makeup during his commission service but said it’s a “sensitive issue. … The two parties, they get kind of sideways with you about it if you don’t [consider it].”


Gomez said hearing other counties don’t necessaril­y take up this practice didn’t make her feel differentl­y about reviewing workers’ partisan ties more intensely, saying the commission’s goal is to curtail “bad actors.”

“If the Republican­s are in control … you’re just like, well, can we trust that 100%? If the Democrats are in control, can I trust that 100%?” she said.

A few former Pulaski County election commission­ers offered mixed perspectiv­es on the way poll workers’ affiliatio­ns had been approached in the past.

Kevin Gorman, a former Republican commission appointee, said that staffing, training and other challenges related to election workers had taken precedence when he served.

He called Pulaski County the “last bastion” of the Democratic Party in the state, so “of course there are going to be more Democrats.”

“The most difficult effort is to fill the spots with people willing to serve,” said Susan Inman, a Democratic former commission­er. “It really comes down to getting people willing to even do it.”

Bilenda Harris-Ritter, a former Republican appointee who is now on the state Board of Election Commission­ers, lauded the Pulaski County commission’s scrutiny, saying she “constantly heard” this as a complaint from members of her party.

“[Republican­s would say] ‘all the poll workers are Democrats at my poll, and they’re doing things they shouldn’t be doing,’” she said.

She didn’t recall any instances of poll workers acting with bad intent during her service, though commission­ers had to nip in the bud inappropri­ate behavior such as accepting gifts from candidates.

A threat posed by poll workers, Atkeson said, may have less to do with deliberate interferen­ce with elections

than poor training and unconsciou­s bias, especially in cases where workers are required to make judgment calls.

Because poll workers work just a few days a year, they’re prone to mistakes, such as erroneousl­y turning people away or asking for an ID in jurisdicti­ons where it’s not required, the professor said.

That makes it doubly important for supervisor­y bodies like election commission­s to clarify rules and requiremen­ts, so election workers’ biases related to their own political leanings doesn’t creep in, she said.

“[Poll workers are] partisan. … The fact is, they do take sides,” she said. “The more you have rules and procedures that are clear, the more they are likely to follow them.”

“We want to make sure it’s fair, fair representa­tion. And that we don’t get in a problem where we do have a partisan issue, where it’s a single party that’s controllin­g everything.”

— Election Commission chairwoman Evelyn Gomez


Most Pulaski County voters — 212,330 — are registered as “optional,” which doesn’t indicate a party, according to the clerk’s office. There are 23,466 registered Democrats, 11,110 Republican­s and 149 third-party voters.

It wasn’t clear how often candidates from the two major political parties have asked questions about the partisan makeup of the people who sign up to work at local polls.

Dillon Hupp, chairman of the Democratic Party of Pulaski County, said he’s never been contacted by a candidate expressing concerns about the affiliatio­n of poll workers over the past four years.

One would hope, he said, that workers’ parties wouldn’t matter, and he was skeptical of the approach being floated by the local commission.

“They probably ought to just be upset that there aren’t more Republican­s in Pulaski County,” he said, noting that Democrats are “fighting an upward battle” at the state level.

Asked if candidates had ever queried Pulaski County Republican­s about poll workers’ partisan ties, first vice chairman Ryan James said the county party “worked hard to help make Republican­s the majority party in Arkansas.

“We support the efforts of the Pulaski County Election Commission to follow state election law with regards to majority party presence in polling locations,” he said in a statement.

Poe, the elections director, said general efforts to expand recruiting of poll workers in the county are ongoing, and include a brochure advertisin­g the opportunit­y to work during elections that is being redesigned for distributi­on.

Act 539 of 2019 allows people to volunteer to work at the polls, rather than earning a small wage. Commission staff members are hopeful that will boost participat­ion by community groups in next year’s elections.

“Basically [we’ll] just throw a wide net and see what we can pull together,” he said.

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