Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

White House pressures senators on border vote

- JOHN WAGNER Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Seung Min Kim, Erica Werner and Nick Miroff of The Washington Post.

WASHINGTON — The White House sought to ratchet up public pressure Wednesday on Republican­s considerin­g bucking President Donald Trump on his national emergency declaratio­n, dismissing concerns some have voiced about setting an unwise precedent and urging them to stay united.

A pointed tweet from Trump and a public warning from a senior aide came as the administra­tion sought to limit GOP defections ahead of a vote next week to nullify Trump’s emergency declaratio­n on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump issued the declaratio­n to secure more funding for border barriers than Congress has authorized — a move that Democrats and some Republican­s have cast as an encroachme­nt on their constituti­onal powers.

“Senate Republican­s are not voting on constituti­onality or precedent, they are voting on desperatel­y needed Border Security & the Wall,” Trump said in an early afternoon tweet. “Our Country is being invaded with Drugs, Human Trafficker­s, & Criminals of all shapes and sizes. That’s what this vote is all about. STAY UNITED!”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has acknowledg­ed that the measure rebuking Trump is likely to pass, but it does not appear to have enough support to survive a threatened presidenti­al veto.

Some of the GOP senators who have said they will support the resolution to nullify the emergency declaratio­n — including Susan Collins of Maine and Thom Tillis of North Carolina — have made their case for the separation of powers and the need to protect congressio­nal prerogativ­e, particular­ly on deciding how taxpayer money is spent.

Two other Republican­s, Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have said they will join Democrats in voting for the resolution, with Paul predicting that more GOP senators will join them.

Several wavering Republican­s have voiced concerns about Trump setting a precedent for future Democratic presidents to take similar actions on other policy issues on which they don’t get their way with Congress.

Asked Wednesday morning whether she has a message for Republican­s considerin­g voting against the president, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded sharply.

“My message to that group is to do your job,” she said during an appearance on Fox News’ Fox & Friends. “If you had done what you were elected to do on the front end, the president wouldn’t have to fix this problem on his own through a national emergency.”

During the Fox interview, Sanders also pointed to a surge in migrants being detained at the border as further justificat­ion for Trump’s emergency declaratio­n.

Last month was the busiest February at the border since 2007 with authoritie­s detaining 76,103 migrants, up from 58,207 in January, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures released Tuesday.

“If that doesn’t define crisis, I don’t know what does,” Sanders said.

“Congress should have fixed this problem,” she added. “The president tried multiple times to get Congress to work with him to address the crisis. They failed to do so, and now the president has to do what is absolutely necessary and what is right, and that is to declare a national emergency and fix the crisis at the border.”

Trump declared the emergency Feb. 15 to tap $3.6 billion allocated for military constructi­on projects.

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