Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Columnist attacks Trump, ignores his achievemen­ts


A classic example of the liberal playbook is to attack someone personally if you can’t successful­ly argue against his actions. Frequent columnist Woody Bassett (you will see him to the left of lefty John Brummett) epitomized the technique in April 19’s Voices Page. Woody spends two columns pointing out President Donald Trump’s personal foibles as his reason “history will likely rank the election of Trump to be among the biggest electoral mistakes this country has ever made.”

Wrong. History (unlike Woody) will record the accomplish­ments Trump presided over. Woody says “this man is all hat and no cattle.” Wrong again. Here are just a few of the “cattle” in just the first 16 months of Trump’s first term: tax cuts for most Americans; a jobs bill that added more than a million new workers who now become taxpayers instead of tax money receivers; appointmen­t of Nikki Haley as U.N. ambassador, a refreshing change from the previous timid souls; clearing the way for the Keystone pipeline; reining in the nannies of the EPA; sending troops to our porous border and getting money for more fence; the end of the mindless catch-and-release enforcemen­t policy; going after sanctuary cities; pushing through legislatio­n providing $98 million for more cops; moving North Korea to the negotiatin­g table; convincing China to rethink its bad trade policy; and getting Great Britain and France on board to help enforce President Obama’s red line in Syria.

Not bad for a man Woody says “has made his presidency all about him and rarely about the country.” JIM KIPPEN Garfield

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