Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



It’s doubtful that many Americans under the age of 40 or so even know what the name Chappaquid­dick refers to, which might in itself provide solid justificat­ion for making a film about it.

But the drama of the tragic July 18, 1969, accident in which Sen. Ted Kennedy drove a car off a little bridge on the eponymous little Massachuse­tts island and left 28-year-old political staff member Mary Jo Kopechne to drown needed more energetic and incisive treatment than it receives in this sober, somewhat slack telling.

As it is, the film’s main justificat­ion is star Jason’s Clarke’s quite plausible physical, if not vocal, resemblanc­e to the career politician whose presidenti­al possibilit­ies were arguably forever quashed by the incident.

Telling this story today, with the Kennedy family’s dirty laundry now having been thoroughly inspected for decades, theoretica­lly opens the door for a tell-all approach to a sorry episode that always carried lurid overtones of drunkennes­s, sexual impropriet­y, cover-up and family influence exercised from on high. But the film is surprising­ly low-key dealing in all of these areas, simply suggesting that, because the incident took place in Massachuse­tts, the family’s home state royal power obviously played a role; the funniest line

in the film comes when crafty old patriarch Joe Kennedy, virtually incapable of speaking at this point, is asked for his advice over the phone and manages to croak out, “Alibi!”

It’s impossible to watch this film without imagining how such an incident would be covered today; very likely, the young woman would not have died had there been cellphones, as she was apparently still alive in the submerged car for at least two hours, maybe three or four. But even more astounding was Ted Kennedy’s not reporting the incident for 10 hours, then the fact that a story that otherwise would have provided endless headlines became an afterthoug­ht when the first moon landing took place two days later.

First-time screenwrit­ers Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan have done their homework in organizing the material but haven’t brought an argument to the table that might have zapped the film to life; everything is methodical, it covers most of the bases, but passion and vitality are crucially missing from director John Curran’s treatment. Six “boiler-room girls,” young women (all 28 or younger and unmarried, the film fails to mention) so-named (also unmentione­d) for the sweaty room in Washington where they all worked on behalf of Robert Kennedy’s presidenti­al campaign, have gathered for a little reunion with six male staff members (all married, unmentione­d) at a small cottage off Martha’s Vineyard.

As staged, the event proves quite uneventful. No one, including Ted Kennedy, and certainly not Mary Jo (Kate Mara), seems really loaded, and when the latter says she wants to leave, Ted volunteers to drive her. If he has something naughty in mind he doesn’t show it, but he does drive off the bridge and lands the car upside down in the drink, which isn’t very deep. A perplexing question to this day is how Kennedy got out of the car and Mary Jo did not; he said he never remembered.

What follows is an illustrati­on of how the rich and powerful are different from ordinary citizens: Kennedy waffles, returns to the house and actually goes to bed, considers telling the lie that he wasn’t driving, watches the moon landing, has a weird audience with his ailing father (a suitably convincing Bruce Dern), dons a neck brace at Mary Jo’s funeral in an attempt to generate sympathy and eventually gives a speech on TV that more or less makes done with the issue. All the while his staff is buzzing around developing different notions of how to react and implement damage control, all in the service of the exercise of power and how to keep it. In the event, Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a crash causing personal injury and got a two-year suspended sentence.

Clarke hardly goes deep in bringing multiple aspects of Kennedy to vivid life, but the Australian actor (who was born one day before the crash) doesn’t take long to be accepted as a plausible standin for the fourth, youngest and last surviving male offspring of old Joe. Ed Helms, as Ted’s harried cousin and adviser Joe Gargan, has the most to do among the supporting cast, while Mara registers sympatheti­cally and, alas, all too briefly as the tragic victim.

 ??  ?? In Chappaquid­dick, Mary Jo Kopechne (Kate Mara) and Sen. Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) share a carefree moment before the devastatin­g tragedy that likely cost Kennedy any chance of ever becoming the president of the United States.
In Chappaquid­dick, Mary Jo Kopechne (Kate Mara) and Sen. Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) share a carefree moment before the devastatin­g tragedy that likely cost Kennedy any chance of ever becoming the president of the United States.
 ??  ?? The July 25, 1969, speech Sen. Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) gave to apologize for his role in a crash that took the life of a 28-year-old campaign staff member is dramatized in John Curran’s fact-based Chappaquid­dick.
The July 25, 1969, speech Sen. Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) gave to apologize for his role in a crash that took the life of a 28-year-old campaign staff member is dramatized in John Curran’s fact-based Chappaquid­dick.

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