Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Bigotry versus politics


I think I am getting some sort of complex. Last year Hillary called me deplorable and now Howell Medders has called me (not by name) a religious fundamenta­list and possibly a bigot. Us guys like this, according to Mr. Medders, make up a prominent wing of the Republican Party. And he thinks we would vote for some sorry, no-good SOB.

As far as the Senate election in Alabama today, I believe that is purely up to Alabamians who they vote for. This is an interestin­g election because it boils down to the question of bigotry versus politics. I believe Judge Moore is guilty as sin about the things he is alleged to have done. But the Republican majority in the Senate is a mere fragile majority. The election of Doug Jones, the Democrat, would further reduce this majority.

So what to do? As Mr. Medders has already labeled us Republican­s with all kinds of bad names, the thing to do to hold on to the Senate is to elect Moore. Then he would be referred to the Senate Ethics Committee who probably would determine him unfit to serve. Then the governor of Alabama, Kay Ivey, would appoint another Republican to serve.

Yes, you might call that a bigot’s solution on what to do with Moore. I know, Mr. Medders, you probably would condemn Alabamians as bigots and worse. But according to you, they are already religious fundamenta­list and bigots. What worse labels can you call them? It’s all politics. RUSS BAILEY

Little Rock

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