Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Tax reform fairy tale


Jason Rapert does a puff job on the Republican tax plan. Contrary to his assertions, the current Senate plan will in the long run raise taxes on people earning $10,000 to $75,000, according to the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Joint Committee on Taxation. The wealthy and businesses will get big reductions—by some estimates, 80 percent will go to the top 1 percent. All this will be financed by ballooning the deficit. We’ll be borrowing billions from China to give to American billionair­es.

Rapert claims that American businesses are handicappe­d by higher tax rates than other countries. But our effective corporate tax rate—the rate that corporatio­ns actually pay—is already on a par with other countries. Republican­s claim that business tax reductions will benefit everyone. But that’s just wishful thinking. Our economy has grown greatly during the past few decades, but wages are stagnant. Only the wealthy have benefited from the growth. There’s no reason to think anything different will happen this time.

Space does not permit me to consider all the particular bad effects of the Republican proposal. It includes a frontal attack on higher education. If you or your kids hope to go to college, the Republican­s want to make it harder. If you have a chronic illness and deduct your medical expenses, the Republican­s will make you pay more. And if you pay Arkansas income tax, the Republican­s want to tax you on top of your tax.

Don’t be taken in by Rapert’s fairy tale. JACOB ADLER Fayettevil­le

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