Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Survival skills needed


The crisis in Puerto Rico requires thinking at a most basic level. Water, food and communicat­ion are some of the most important ingredient­s of a solid survival plan.

While a lot of the emphasis has been placed on roads, hospital generators, ATMs or airport conditions, a much more basic need is largely not being filled.

People need water now. I believe the best way to give water in small quantities for human survival would be to educate people on the way to build “solar stills.” All that is required is plastic sheeting, a few stones, a cup, a shovel, leaves, dirty water, and a hole in the ground. Water evaporates and is deposited on the plastic sheet and directed into the cup. About 250 milliliter­s of pure drinking water can be made per still in one night.

Since there is no power and a shortage of batteries, I believe the need for communicat­ions, at least on the AM radio dial, can be satisfied by building primitive crystal radio sets. These go back to the earliest days of radio and require only a few simple parts to build. All that is required is a diode, a coil, a headset and a long piece of wire for an antenna. No batteries or electrical power is needed. The RF energy is furnished by one’s surroundin­gs and is minimally sufficient to detect a radio station for news and informatio­n.

While it may seem trivial or basic, training in these very simple techniques can save human life. Let’s begin the process today. NORM NORTH JR.


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