Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Iraq army to guard Kurdish region’s border points


IRBIL, Iraq — Iraq’s army prepared Friday to take control of the internatio­nal borders of the northern Kurdish region as the central government in Baghdad stepped up moves to isolate the Kurds after their vote on independen­ce earlier this week.

In one effort to crack down on the Kurds, Iraq instituted a ban on all internatio­nal flights servicing the territory’s airports.

Iraqi troops now in Turkey and Iran plan to begin to enforce control over the border crossings out of the Kurdish region this morning, Iraqi officials said. They will not enter the Kurdish region, but instead Iraqi customs administra­tors backed by the troops will set up control points just outside the Kurdish border stations, the officials said.

The step will be the first movement of troops — outside of joint military exercises held by Turkey, Iran and Iraq — in response to this week’s referendum in which Kurds voted by more than 90 percent to back independen­ce from Iraq for their self-rule zone and other areas they have captured the past year.

The escalation feeds worries in the United States, an ally of both the Kurds and Baghdad, that the referendum vote could lead to violence.

Two U.S. officials said Washington was concerned about possible operations involving Iraqi, Iranian or Turkish forces, or a combinatio­n thereof. Behind the scenes, the U.S. has strongly been advising against any military incursion into the Kurdish region and believes none of the players will do so, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

The nonbinding referendum — in which the Kurds voted overwhelmi­ngly in favor of independen­ce from Iraq — will not immediatel­y result in independen­ce. But Kurdish leaders have said they will use it to press for negotiatio­ns on eventually forming their own state.

That has set off alarm bells in Baghdad, where the government has said it is determined to prevent a breakup of the country, and in Iraq’s neighbors, Iran and Turkey, which fear the vote will fuel similar ambitions among their own Kurdish population­s.

So they have moved to isolate the region. Iran on Friday announced a ban on oil imports and exports with the Iraqi Kurdish region, the state news agency announced.

At Irbil’s internatio­nal airport, hundreds of passengers lined up for flights out of the Kurdish region in the hours before the central government’s flight ban took effect Friday evening. Baghdad had demanded the region hand over the airport to its authority or else face a ban.

Talar Saleh, the airport’s general director, said Kurdish authoritie­s had attempted to meet with officials from the central government to comply with the demand. But “so far, up to this moment, there is no reply from Baghdad,” she said at a news conference held at the airport.

While Baghdad controls the airspace over the Kurdish region, immigratio­n and security inside the airports are controlled by local Kurdish region officials and security forces.

Many of the hundreds of people traveling Friday afternoon were foreigners ordered to leave the region by the companies they work for.

“Of course we don’t want to leave,” said Joao Gabriel Villar, a Brazilian doctor working for a nongovernm­ental organizati­on that helps people displaced by the conflict with the Islamic State militant group.

“We had only just arrived,” he said. “We could have helped many more people if we stayed.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the flight ban was not intended to hold the Kurdish region captive.

“Central government control of air and land ports in the Kurdistan region is not meant to starve, besiege and prevent [the delivery of] supplies to the citizens in the region as alleged by some Kurdistan region officials,” he said in a statement from his office.

Similarly, Baghdad’s move to control the borders did not so far mean closing them. At crossings into Turkey and Iran, Iraqi border officials backed by Iraqi troops said they planned to set up stations facing the Kurdish-run border stations inside the self-rule territory — presumably either in no-man’s-land or in Turkish and Iranian territory.

That way all traffic passing back and forth would have to go through them. The officials could also collect customs duties and taxes from those crossing. Doing so avoids direct confrontat­ion with Kurdish forces over control while making a demonstrat­ion of central government authority.

Plans for the border move were confirmed by three Iraqi officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the plans.

U.S.-led coalition spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon told reporters Thursday at the Pentagon that the Kurdish independen­ce vote has diminished the military’s focus on fighting the Islamic State.

“The focus, which used to be like a laser beam on [the Islamic State], is now not 100 percent there. So there has been an effect on the overall mission to defeat [the Islamic State] in Iraq as a result of the referendum.”

The loss of focus, Dillon said, is “across the board,” including Iraqi security forces, Kurdish fighters, known as the peshmerga, and U.S. military planners and advisers.

At Friday prayers from the holy city of Karbala, Iraq’s top Shiite cleric issued his first comments after the referendum, warning that the Kurdish vote will lead to internal and external reactions, in comments read by cleric Ahmad al-Safi.

The fallout will have consequenc­es on our “dear Kurdish citizens and could have more dangerous repercussi­ons,” Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Bradley Klapper and Robert Burns of The Associated Press.

 ?? AP/BRAM JANSSEN ?? Kurdish women hold balloons Friday to protest against the flight ban issued by the Iraq federal government outside the Irbil Internatio­nal Airport in Iraq.
AP/BRAM JANSSEN Kurdish women hold balloons Friday to protest against the flight ban issued by the Iraq federal government outside the Irbil Internatio­nal Airport in Iraq.

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