Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Brown leaves mark on AGFC


When former Gov. Mike Beebe announced his new appointmen­t to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission seven years ago, Fred Brown of Corning seemed an odd fit.

He was a mismatch, but he was the man that Beebe needed to reorient a commission that had lost its way.

Bad news spewed from the agency like lava from a volcano and embarrasse­d Beebe with maddening regularity. Two wildlife officers were caught hunting out of state without hunting licenses. Two others hunted with firearms that had been confiscate­d from violators as evidence. The agency had overstocke­d its vehicle fleet, and an abnormally large number of salaried employees were furnished cars for personal use.

The last straw was an ill-conceived scheme to enact a freedom of informatio­n policy that was independen­t of the state Freedom of Informatio­n law.

Into this environmen­t stepped Brown, one of Beebe’s closest and most trusted friends.

I noticed in his introducto­ry news conference that Beebe called him “Freddy.” It sent a subtle message that Brown was not a casual acquaintan­ce.

In a one-on-one interview later that afternoon, Brown was as subtle as a speeding freight train approachin­g a crossing, and it was clear that he would be nobody’s fool and nobody’s tool.

That soon became clear to the commission, too. At his first meeting in July 2010, a former commission­er made a quip about hazing the “new guy.”

Brown whipped around, squared his shoulders and said loudly, “You ain’t man enough to haze me.”

Some time later, Brown confronted that same commission­er when he heard that he was verbally abusing Game and Fish employees.

He put that commission­er against a wall and persuaded him to cease and desist.

So unnerved was the offender that during this harangue, Brown reached to scratch an itch on his nose. The wayward commission­er, who later resigned, thought Brown was going to strike him and winced.

Arkansans commonly criticize commission­ers for their blue-blood, country club background­s. Brown is a farmer in whom there is no guile.

Because of these characteri­stics, regular, working-class Arkansans related to Brown. He looks like us and he talks like us, but most important, he listens.

Despite his cobbleston­e demeanor, Brown is a rare combinatio­n of talents that made him one of the most effective commission­ers I’ve covered in my 12 years on the Game and Fish beat. He sees the big picture, but he also understand­s all the pixels that compose the big picture.

He was a budget hawk that demanded fiscal responsibi­lity. That led to accountabl­e line-item budgeting in every division.

He was acutely sensitive to employee morale and to the things that affect employee morale. He also was a stickler for policy compliance and ethics when it came to doing business with outside entities.

The commission’s work meetings can sometimes splinter into rabbit trail debates about inconseque­ntial minutia. Brown let the rabbits run for only short distances before gaveling discussion­s back onto topic.

He valued the opinions of profession­al fish and wildlife managers, but astute biologists were aware that as a farmer, Brown understood that the earth works inherent to wildlife and fisheries management. He demanded clarity, and woe to a presenter that dismissed or sidesteppe­d his questions.

Brown’s legacy as a commission­er is deceptivel­y vast.

He played a major role in eliminatin­g the privatizat­ion of public resources at Black River, Big Lake and Sunken Lands wildlife management areas. He also played a major role in eliminatin­g unsafe boating practices at Bayou Meto Wildlife Management Area and expanding effective boating regulation­s to other waterfowl hunting areas.

He also was the steadying force who, along with commission­ers Steve Cook, Ford Overton and Ken Reeves, restored order to a commission that had begun to act like an independen­t branch of government.

Brown’s most enduring legacy is still being forged. In his final year, he committed the agency to restoring bobwhite quail in Arkansas. Quail is now a priority in the agency’s wildlife management division, and last year the commission hired a full-time, dedicated quail biologist.

So far, those efforts have taken the forms of meetings and workshops, but another commission­er recently said that his goal will be to produce actual quail habitat and quail.

Brown was a great commission­er. If his quail vision comes to fruition, he’ll be remembered as a giant.

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