Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Parallel is observed


British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlai­n has ever been excoriated, figurative­ly skinned alive, for agreeing to the cession of a part of Czechoslov­akia to Hitler in 1938.

In 2014 pro-Russian separatist­s aided by Russian troops and equipment seized part of eastern Ukraine and the Crimean area of that nation. Thousands of people have been killed and wounded in this illegal action, a Malaysian civilian airliner downed by a Russian missile, and two million people made refugees.

Our President Trump adores Russians, does he not? He bragged to them recently about firing the FBI director for being too nosy about his administra­tion’s Russian connection­s. Photos show Trump, our own Neville Chamberlai­n it seems, having a gay old time with his Russian buddies at the White House.

Who among the Republican establishm­ent cares about this historical parallel? To cozy up to Putin’s gang of thieves and murderers is outrageous behavior we should not tolerate from our president. Has Senator Cotton condemned Trump’s behavior? Has Bill O’Reilly? Rush Limbaugh? Vice President Pence? Speaker of the House Ryan?

I believe President Trump has defiled the White House, the people’s house, and his above-named errand boys take no action. Americans are being asked to swallow, quietly, the disgusting servings of this Putin lover elected by a minority of citizens. GARY BRODNAX Fayettevil­le

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