Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Star back Clarett suspended by Ohio State for season


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Maurice Clarett was suspended for the season Wednesday for violating NCAA rules, tarnishing Ohio State’s national title and clouding the future of one of the nation’s most talented running backs.

Clarett was punished because the school determined he accepted thousands of dollars in improper benefits and then lied to NCAA and school investigat­ors.

“This is a sad day,” Ohio State Athletic Director Andy Geiger said.

Even though the infraction­s date to 2002, the school is not in jeopardy of having its national title stripped.

Clarett will remain on scholarshi­p this school year.

“He’s considerin­g his options right now,” said Scott Schiff, Clarett’s attorney.

Clarett had been suspended from the team while the NCAA and Ohio State investigat­ed his finances. Ohio State has been working for more than two weeks on a response to “several pages” of allegation­s sent by the NCAA to the university.

Geiger said Clarett was guilty of 14 violations of the ethical-conduct bylaw and two violations of receiving preferenti­al treatment or benefits because he is an athlete.

Geiger said before each season Ohio State players are presented a copy of NCAA Bylaw 10 that deals with ethical conduct and not lying to investigat­ors.

“You play by the rules, you live by the rules,” Geiger said.

Geiger said Clarett would be required to make a donation to a charity of his choice equal to the amount he received in benefits, which Geiger termed as “thousands of dollars,” if he wants to be reinstated.

Ohio State can appeal for Clarett’s reinstatem­ent after the year suspension is complete.

“We hope the NCAA considers a suspension for this season to be sufficient,” Geiger said. “More importantl­y, we hope that Maurice will remain in school to pursue his degree, and that conditions will warrant our applicatio­n for reinstatem­ent to play Buckeye football next season.”

If Clarett transfers, the NCAA requires the new school to declare him ineligible, then seek his reinstatem­ent through the NCAA. He would have to sit out a year besides any suspension or ineligibil­ity handed down by the NCAA to play at another Division I-A school. Clarett could play immediatel­y in a smaller division after he is reinstated.


Nittany Lions on alert

LINCOLN, Neb. — Penn State defensive lineman John Bronson started the trash talk early for Saturday night’s game between the Nittany Lions and No. 18 Ne- braska.

“Nebraska is one of those teams that does try to take a lot of cheap shots,” he said Wednesday.

Tempers flared during Penn State’s 40-7 rout of Nebraska last year in State College, Pa.

Nebraska’s Richie Incognito and Penn State’s Jeremiah Davis were ejected for fighting after Penn State’s Rich Gardner returned an intercepti­on for a touchdown.


Starting QB out 3-5 weeks

FORT WORTH — TCU quarterbac­k Tye Gunn will miss 3 to 5 weeks after separating his right shoulder in practice.

Gunn, who is undefeated in six career games as the starter for the No. 22 Horned Frogs, was hurt during practice Tuesday when he was running an option play and started to fall down while sprinting toward the sideline.

MISSISSIPP­I STATE NCAA inquiry continues

STARKVILLE, Miss. — Six months after it officially began, the NCAA has yet to conclude its investigat­ion of Mississipp­i State.

The NCAA, in a letter made public by the university on Wednesday, said it will need more time to review allegation­s of rules violations by the Bulldogs’ football program.

Mississipp­i State received a preliminar­y letter of inquiry in March from the NCAA. That letter stated that the NCAA is looking into possible violations from 1998-2002.

The allegation­s against Mississipp­i State were not detailed in the preliminar­y letter of inquiry, but were said to include improper contacts and offers and inducement­s to prospectiv­e studentath­letes by current and former members of the coaching staff.

The latest letter from the NCAA to Mississipp­i State is dated Sept. 4.

In April, Mississipp­i State confirmed that a former recruit from Brandon High School told the NCAA that he was given $800 by Bulldogs assistant coach Glenn Davis.

Kenneth Griffith eventually signed with Southern Mississipp­i and is now playing in junior college.

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