New York Post

Detective has ‘more power than commish’


The person “literally running” the NYPD is a brash Brooklyn cop who hams it up in the department’s true-crime YouTube show, pals around with top chiefs and has a direct line to Mayor Adams.

For nearly six months, when bosses wanted to make a promotion or transfer, they’d call Detective First Grade Kaz Daughtry — not outgoing Police Commission­er Keechant Sewell.

“He calls and everybody jumps,” one police source said. “He’s literally running the department.”

Daughtry is a 17-year veteran who works in the office of Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey.

He is the highest rank of detective and has a leading role in the department’s YouTube series, “True Blue: NYPD’s Finest” — usually right next to Maddrey or Chief of Patrol John Chell. “He’s a cowboy,” the source said. Sewell, a popular commission­er with the rank and file, announced her resignatio­n in a letter to the department’s 33,000 officers on Monday. She didn’t give a reason.

The announceme­nt came a day after The Post reported that police sources said Adams, Maddrey and Deputy Mayor Philip Banks were calling the shots at the NYPD. Adams, a former cop, has been close to Banks and Maddrey for years.

Daughtry, who made $195,000 last year, has been working in

Maddrey’s office at One Police Plaza since December.

A second source said the power Maddrey has given Daughtry elevated him above the commission­er.

“In the past, the people below the police commission­er didn’t have more juice than the police commission­er,” the source said. “Everyone went to the police commission­er, who went to the mayor.”

Daugherty previously worked under Maddrey at Patrol Borough Brooklyn North and the 73rd and 75th precincts in Brownsvill­e and East New York, records show.

A third source said the authority has gone to Daughtry’s head.

“He’s just a knucklehea­d detective and Maddrey’s empowered him,” the source said. “He calls around as if he’s a three-star chief. “He tells chiefs what to do.” Daughtry has a checkered past as a cop. He pleaded guilty to making misleading and inaccurate statements in a use-of-force case and lost 20 vacation days in 2021. The use-of-force allegation­s were found to be unsubstant­iated.

He’s had substantia­ted complaints for pointing a gun at someone, abuse of authority and threat of force, records show.

An NYPD spokesman said that Daughtry “is one of the detectives designated as a NYPD City Hall Liaison. This team was created to better facilitate direct and immediate communicat­ion between City Hall and the NYPD.”

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