New York Post

NY’s out 1 House seat – & by a hair

- Bernadette Hogan and Tamar Lapin

Missed it by that much. New York will lose one seat in the House of Representa­tives next year based on population data released by the US Census Bureau on Monday — and was just 89 residents short of keeping all of its seats.

The Empire State’s delegation will shrink from 27 to 26 as a result of the 2020 census, officials said.

But that fate could have been avoided had 89 more New Yorkers been counted, according to Kristin Koslap, senior technical expert for 2020 census apportionm­ent.

“There were 435 seats. The last seat went to Minnesota and New York was next in line,” Koslap said in a news conference. “If you do the algebra equation that determines how many they would have needed, it’s 89 people.”

Overall, New York saw its population grow by 4 percent, with the census finding about 20.2 million living in the state, up from just under 19.4 million in 2010. That rise, however, wasn’t on pace with big jumps in other parts of the country.

Census officials said New York experience­d “negative net domestic migration,” meaning there were more people fleeing than moving into the state over the last decade.

How voter districts will change won’t be known until August at the earliest, when more detailed data is expected.

The other states poised to lose a House seat are California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvan­ia and West Virginia.

Five states will gain one seat — Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon — while Texas will gain two.

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