New York Post

Council to the rescue

- Cindy Adams

SATURDAY. Bedminster, NJ. A small, private Come-to-Jesus meeting lasting a few hours. Himself the president of the United States of America plus his slowly frizzling braintrust.

The man’s had a tough run. No US president was ever beaten up this badly. They told him: You can win. You’ve lost confidence. Change your frame of mind. Think, know how you can get that back?

Haters say you’ve given up, that how the way things are going you think you can’t win. We’re saying:

1. 100 days are left.

2. You can win.

3. The race isn’t over.

4. Change your approach.

5. Stop fights with the press.

6. Focus only on one point — winning the election.

7. Three debates are left — bumbling Biden’ll only bomb.

8. Handle just what affects us — masks, testing, COVID.

9. Talk about the future, not the past. Lay things out for our next few years.

10. Go forward. Forward.

The few guys — deputy campaign manager Max Miller, senior adviser Jared Kushner, former NJ Gov. Chris Christie, campaign manager Bill

Stepien — arrived a halfhour early. The president was there 2 ¹/2 hours. He listened calmly. Smart, profession­al, he pushed back. No argument. No script. No yelling. He was listening. Understand­ing how to go forward.

They said stop repeating this is our greatest economy. It’s a difficult moment. Change the mood. Have a calm up press conference. We’re winners. All its life, our country’s been a winner. All your life, you’ve been a winner.

Tell the United States of America what you plan to do to win America’s future.

President Trump then left for a fund-raiser. The small male cadre stayed. Was it a knock-downdrag-out? Were there arguments? Listen, more I cannot tell you.

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