New York Post

Trump hails leader of ‘liberate NY’ rally

- Mark Moore

President Trump on Sunday praised the organizer of a lockdown protest in Albany.

“Great Rally and fantastic job on @ffweekend this morning. It is all happening! #MAGA,” Trump posted on Twitter Sunday morning.

The president linked to a tweet from Cara Castronuov­a, who talked about the May 1 rally on “Fox & Friends” earlier in the day.

“#LiberateNY@realDonald­Trump We need you!! Protesters March on Albany for New York to Open for Business & defend #CivilLiber­ties #Constituti­onalRights,” she wrote on Twitter last Wednesday.

Castronuov­a said she headed to the Empire State capital to protest Gov. Cuomo’s lockdown orders because she was protecting people’s civil liberties.

“Gov. Cuomo oversteps his power when he did the whole executive order to ban freedom of assembly and to shut down the country,” she said on the show.

“There’s a lot of people who feel this way besides me, so I felt I had to go up there and be their voice.”

The governor allowed several regions of the state to begin phase-one openings on Friday, but extended the stay-at-home orders for other regions through May 28 and continued the state of emergency until June 13.

Castronuov­a, a trainer and boxing announcer from Long Island, helped organize the protest of around 100 demonstrat­ors, who marched from the steps of the Capitol to the governor’s Executive Mansion.

“I’m not saying there’s not a virus, but that doesn’t ever justify taking away civil liberties; it’s our First Amendment rights,” she told The Post at the time.

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