New York Post

A tragedy for the nation – & democracy


ANOTHER day, another giant step on the road to ruin. Either Nancy Pelosi has lost her mind or she really wants to dig America’s grave.

The vote to formalize the impeachmen­t jihad is a great day for Trump haters and a tragedy for democracy and common sense. Coming a year before an election and without a compelling claim that the president committed anything remotely resembling “high crimes and misdemeano­rs,” the action is an abuse of power for purely partisan purposes.

The timing is also exquisite. Voting on Halloween, and on the same day when Democratic Rep. Katie Hill took to the House floor to declare herself a victim of a double standard after she was caught engaging in threesomes with her husband and a campaign aide, the picture of a party seized by shamelessn­ess is complete.

This was the Dems’ Crazy Day — and like Hill, they don’t have the decency to be embarrasse­d. Some are even rallying around her. Throuple cheers for Katie!

The fact that no Republican­s joined the hit squad exposes the lie that there is a “bipartisan” push against Trump. Pierre Delicto, aka Mitt Romney, loves the sound of his own self-righteousn­ess but impeachmen­t is now one party against America.

And surely we can expect the media to laud the two Dems who voted “no” as rare profiles in courage. Yeah, right.

After months of pushing back against impeachmen­t, Pelosi has abandoned any pretense of being a leader. She has jumped on the bandwagon led by such kooks as Texas Rep. Al Green.

He has been demanding impeachmen­t since 2017 — on what grounds, he didn’t know and didn’t care. The failure of special counsel Robert Mueller to deliver the goods only added to Green’s zeal.

“I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected,” Green said last May.

There’s probably truth to that, but Green missed a larger truth. The only thing that could be worse for Dems would be impeaching Trump with no evidence of a crime or a serious abuse of office.

That’s what they’re doing — and four more years just got more likely.

Yet there is something bigger at stake than the next election. The effort to overturn the 2016 results is such a radical event that it raises the question of whether polarizati­on has become fatal to our republic.

If so, then elections will never settle anything again. Each loser will simply look for a way to erase the outcome as if it never happened.

But then how do we settle our difference­s if elections don’t have consequenc­es?

There are no good answers to that question, yet that’s the dynamic Pelosi is creating. Why wouldn’t the next GOP House do the same thing to the next Dem president? To save time, perhaps impeachmen­t votes should become part of the inaugurati­on ceremony.

Granted, Trump is not your ordinary president and there are few norms he hasn’t shattered. But it remains a fact that his greatest sin was defeating Hillary Clinton and smashing the legacy of Barack Obama.

For that, he must be destroyed. And if America goes down with him, that’s fine with the far-left crazies. They never liked the country anyway.

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