New York Post

Nxivm big a closet coward

Hid from police: pal


Nxivm leader Keith Raniere fancied himself an allpowerfu­l “grandmaste­r” to his harem of sex slaves — yet hid in a closet when authoritie­s stormed his Mexican hideout, a witness testified Tuesday.

The self-styled guru abandoned his slave master and longtime lover, Lauren Salzman, leaving her to confront the heavily armed police at their Puerto Vallarta compound during the March 2018 raid, she recalled.

“I could see outside the window that federal police with machine guns and vests . . . were surroundin­g the property,” Salzman, 42, testified.

“They were banging on the door” as Raniere (inset) ran toward a closet in their locked suite, she said. “The whole time I kept thinking they could just shoot in this door, thinking really legitimate­ly, ‘I could get shot right now.’ ”

Salzman relived the harrowing ordeal in the third week of Raniere’s sex-traffickin­g trial in Brooklyn federal court, and she also revealed that Raniere was planning an orgy for his top Hollywood slaves on the eve of his arrest.

The wild sex party was set to include Salzman, “Smallville” actress Allison Mack, “Battlestar Galactica” star Nicki Clyne and others.

“My understand­ing of it is that it’s going to be us pleasuring him,” said Salzman, recalling not wanting to partake in a sex act. Clyne, however, pressured her, telling her she should surrender control, Salzman said.

“I have no way of surrenderi­ng except to a group b--w j-b,” said Salzman, who has pleaded guilty in the case.

Raniere was eventually hauled to Brooklyn to face charges of using Nxivm, his so-called self-empowermen­t organizati­on based near Albany, to groom unassuming women into becoming sex slaves.

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