New York Post


‘Squash coaches harassed our teen girls’


Members of a ritzy Brooklyn Heights racquet club charge that three creepy house pros have been sexually harassing their teen daughters for years while coaching them in a squash program.

Julie and Edward Burke claim The Heights Casino on Montague Street, “reluctantl­y” investigat­ed their allegation­s, but hid its findings and discipline­d no one, according to a petition filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court.

The Burkes say squash pro Laurent Elriani, 42, husband of junior squash program director Linda Elriani and a top player from France, compared the breast sizes of the young female athletes and bragged of his “three-ways on the tour.”

Fellow squash pro Alberto Rezende, the complaint says, “bragged openly to other staff members about having sex on Linda Elriani’s desk with the sister of a junior squash athlete when the club was overrun with chil- dren during a bar mitzvah.”

He also bantered about his sexual high jinks and brazenly displayed sexually explicit photos on his Facebook page, according to court papers.

A third club pro, Fabian Kalaitzis, 43, flaunted his Tinder account, “checking out womens’ profile pictures” in front of the teen girls, the complaint says.

Numerous club members complained to the club board and Julie Burke provided a “detailed descriptio­n of the harassment,” papers claim.

The club “expended substantia­l sums” in conducting an investigat­ion, but “club leadership has refused to divulge the results,” telling members the sexual harassment policy is only violated if a club employee “physically touched a teenage athlete.”

Instead, the complaint adds, the club “blamed what it perceives to be overzealou­s parents of the female teenage athletes.”

The club is housed in a Flemish Revival building constructe­d in 1905 and is home to the first indoor tennis court in the nation. It is described as a “tony private club whose members had blood as blue as a yachtsman’s fine navy blazer” by Brooklyn’s Brownstone­r blog.

The Burkes joined the club, which offers tennis and squash instructio­n as well as $54 plates of pan-seared filet mignon to members, in 2009.

The Burkes want a judge to order the club to open its books for examinatio­n, “so that the club’s adherence to its mission and its own written policies can be restored, and the safety of its teenage athletes ensured.”

The club did not return messages seeking comment.

 ??  ?? CLUB COUPLE: Laurent Elriani (inset) and Linda Elriani (right).
CLUB COUPLE: Laurent Elriani (inset) and Linda Elriani (right).

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