New York Post

Be yourself this Halloween

Identify your work style and find a costume to match


D ON’T know what to wear to work on Halloween? Here’s an idea: Dress like your workplace personalit­y and dare your teammates to do the same.

Chances are that no one will show up as a vampire, even if they do drain the energy out of meetings. Or as the zombie you have to kick into action when there’s work to be done. And forget about those ghosts who disappear whenever deadlines approach.

Experts tend to group employee behaviors together to help people understand themselves and each other, and learn how to work better together — although there’s no universal label for the workers who will stretch themselves thin to keep a project from falling apart as the delivery date nears, like Elastigirl from “The Incredible­s.”

So if you’re game to don a costume that represents your work style, here are some ideas to ponder. Plus, we’ve asked some experts how to interact with your co-workers’ personas, costumed or not.


Adventurou­s. Better at coming up with new ideas than actually executing them. Doesn’t have any problem veering off in new directions or taking risks. Annoying to those who are accomplish­ment-oriented.

Costume ideas: Dora the Explorer, Lara Croft, Han Solo, Captain Kirk

How to deal: In the work world, “these types need to realize that ideas need implementa­tion,” says Kim Christfort, co-author of “Business Chemistry: Practical Magic for Crafting Powerful Work Relationsh­ips” (Wiley). Relationsh­ip expert April Masini suggests you try reeling in these co-workers by holding them accountabl­e for the execution of a project that they’ve come up with. “Do this quickly after they suggest an idea,” she says. “The more you do this, the quicker you will modify their behavior.”


Cleans up everything, from messes in the company kitchen to messes on the group calendar or task lists. Extremely detail-oriented. Obsessed with following directions and rules. Furious when others don’t.

Costume ideas: Felix Unger from “The Odd Couple,” Sheldon Cooper from “The Big Bang Theory,” Martha Stewart, Marge Simpson

How to deal: “These types need to be appreciate­d, so say thank you,” says Christfort. Masini warns that keeping things in order may not be in your co-worker’s job descriptio­n, so showing gratitude may keep them from becoming bitter and resentful. And, if this is you, and you don’t like the role you’ve assumed, Masini suggests that you recognize what you are doing and then work on changing. “This means not behaving like a maid whose sole purpose is to clean up.”


Results-oriented. Opinionate­d. Can be blunt. Little patience for small talk. Person can be perceived as insensitiv­e, although they can be friendly when there’s no goal to reach.

Costume ideas: Don Draper from “Mad Men,” Olivia Pope from “Scandal,” Miranda Priestly from “The Devil Wears Prada,” Voldemort from “Harry Potter”

How to deal: “These types often deliver on the goals, but they can run people over in the process,” says Mike Figliuolo, a managing partner of ThoughtLea­ders LLC, a firm specializi­ng in leadership developmen­t, and author of “One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership” (Wiley). Uncomforta­ble as it may be, he suggests that you provide the power driver with direct feedback by asking questions such as, “Did you notice you made her cry when you called her an idiot?” Christfort says that co-workers like these can be jerks, so you may want to keep your distance.


Likes to make introducti­ons, tell stories and help everyone feel special. Able to see various points of view. Often talks too much, making meetings longer. Doesn’t understand how anyone can resist a group hug.

Costume ideas: The Twitter bird, Edna Mode from “The Incredible­s,” Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz,” Kermit the frog

How to deal: If you’re planning a meeting, suggest that these workers get there 15 minutes early. That way some of the socializin­g they need to do to feel good will be out of the way, says Christfort. Figliuolo has a line for keeping the chitchat down when these types trap you in the hallway. “Say, ‘What you have to say sounds important, let’s schedule a time to talk so it gets the attention it deserves’, ” he says. If they’re not willing to schedule, “It’s not that important.”


Typically passive-aggressive. Always watching their own back. Can be quiet at meetings, but not at the watercoole­r. Unusually competitiv­e. They like secrets.

Costume ideas: Practicall­y anyone on “The Bachelor,” Ursula from “The Little Mermaid,” Peter Pettigrew from “Harry Potter”, Cyrus Beene from “Scandal”

How to deal: If they talk to you about someone else, you can be sure that they are talking to someone else about you. “Shut them down, because listening is implied consent,” says Figliuolo. Masini suggests taking the high road by going public. “You can call them out, without malice on your part, and make the backstabbi­ng behaviors public, so it becomes an office issue, not just your own issue. With the help of others you work with, microbehav­iors of the backstabbe­r may be identified and nixed.”

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