New York Post

The Oscar for dumbest move goes to ...

- Raquel Laneri

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has finally acknowledg­ed that its Best Picture Oscar picks have been obtuse and lame.

So it’s shaking things up — by adding a prize for “Outstandin­g Achievemen­t in Popular Film.”

Apparently, the movies we the people like — “Black Panther,” “Wonder Woman,” “Girls Trip,” “Get Out” — aren’t worthy of considerat­ion for the night’s top honor. Thanks, but no thanks. A popularity prize is idiotic. Film is inherently a popular medium, and many of the most enduring Best Picture winners have achieved both commercial and artistic success, “Casablanca” and “The Godfather” among them. The idea that a movie can’t achieve both is misguided.

Just look at 2017’s “Get Out,” a smart, audacious horror film that grappled with race relations in America, made money and won for Best Original Screenplay. Ditto 2015’s “Mad Max: Fury Road,” an exhilarati­ng action flick that transcende­d the clichés of the genre.

Both of these Best Picture nominees were more daring, artistic and of-the-moment than, respective­ly, “The Shape of Water” and “Spotlight,” the films that beat them.

Does Hollywood think that these popular movies are sullying the Best Picture category? And what exactly does an Outstandin­g Achievemen­t in Popular Film mean anyway? And will the vote be put to the public, VMA style — or will the stuffy Academy members vote on this Oscar too?

Box office figures aside, we filmgoers don’t always go in for mindless entertainm­ent. Most of us can handle more nuanced, challengin­g fare — like the beautiful, intimate “Moonlight,” which deservedly won 2017’s Best Picture award.

By creating some kind of consolatio­n prize, the Academy seems to believe it’s showing how in touch it is with popular opinion. Instead, it’s revealing just how elitist, condescend­ing and clueless its members really are.

Here’s an idea: If there’s a big movie that’s popular and also really good, just give it the damn award!

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