New York Post


Can you lose weight and be healthy by eating only steak and bacon — and absolutely no vegetables? These carnivores think so


IN 2012, Travis Statham had just graduated from college when he decided to get rid of the gut he’d been carrying around for years.

After reading “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes, he started eating a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic (a k a keto) diet and shed 15 pounds from his original 175-pound weight.

But, after six years of limiting his diet to protein and vegetables, he started to wonder why he should bother with greens. After all, it was beef that really satiated his hunger.

“I had been cooking . . . lots of steaks and burgers, but then I’d add a salad, or I’d try to add broccoli,” he says. “I never quite understood why vegetables were good for me.”

So, last January, Statham stopped eating veggies and now only eats meat. He skips breakfast. Lunch is typically a burger patty from McDonald’s or Schnippers Quality Kitchen. Dinner is a pound and a half of steak. The only plant-based thing he consumes is coffee, and he says he’s never felt better. By eating pure protein, he says he can maintain his 6-foot-2 frame at his preferred weight of 155 pounds.

“Humans were healthy however many thousands of years ago, just like animals in the wild, but somehow we lost our way,” says Statham, a 29-year-old software developer living in Park Slope. “When you really become fat-adapted you will feel complete bliss. Your body is in its primal perfection state.”

Carnivory, the millennia-old practice of surviving solely on meat, is experienci­ng a resurgence among health nuts, tech guys and conspiracy theorists. The World Carnivore Tribe Facebook group boasts 14,000 members, and Reddit threads on the topic are buzzing. Popular controvers­ial author and psychologi­st Jordan Peterson and his daughter, Mikhaila, are fans, dining exclusivel­y on beef with salt and soda water. Dr. Drew Pinsky, the celebrity doctor and podcast host known as Dr. Drew, recently lost two notches off his belt when he went full carnivore for three weeks. “I’ll be goddamned if within three days I didn’t feel unbelievab­le,” he tells The Post.

Bloodthirs­ty followers shun the food pyramid and go beyond popular low-carb diets such as paleo and keto, which are often the gateway to the meaty lifestyle. Zero carbs are consumed, and people subsist solely on

red meat, and sometimes a bit of pork, chicken or fatty fish. Proteins are cooked simply, sans vegetable oil, though some carnivores allow for a small amount of dairy consumptio­n, such as heavy whipping cream or butter. Meal plans vary, but some carnivores swear by grass-fed beef and its heightened levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Others opt for biweekly feasts on nutritiona­lly dense organ meats. The lifestyle can be pricey, but Statham notes it can be done on the cheap with fast food and the like.

“Eat the meat you can afford, until you are no longer hungry,” he says.

Dr. Jennifer Haythe, a cardiologi­st at New York-Presbyteri­an/Columbia University Medical Center, says she’s had several people ask her about the diet recently.

“There’s a lot of interest in it,” she says. “People really like fad diets in our culture and things that have very specific rules. We tend to be a culture that goes to extremes.”

While she understand­s that some see the diet as a potentiall­y effective way to shed pounds, Haythe is skeptical of it.

“When your body starts to have to burn fat and protein in order to make glucose, I don’t think that that’s a great solution to wellness,” she says. “I also don’t think eating tons of red meat is particular­ly healthy for people.” But fans of the diet say they feel great on it. Michaelant­hony Mitchell, 34, an Upper East Side-based voice actor came to car- nivory about a year ago following a particular­ly bad bout of depression brought on by the death of his cat.

“I haven’t been sick since I started carnivory,” he says.

He thinks the general wisdom about having a balanced diet is indicative of a diet-and-nutrition industry deep in the pockets of Big Salad. “A nation of people who aren’t hangry are not good customers,” he says.

And, he feels guilty that his late pet didn’t get to enjoy the benefits of the diet.

“I’m haunted by the fact that I fed my carnivorou­s cat food that included rice and barley,” he says.

Many carnivores are also passionate about cryptocurr­ency, and see a common thread between their unorthodox diet and an aversion to traditiona­l banking.

“[We live] in a modern society of easy print money and processed, harmful foods,” says Doug Wright, 25, a Syracuse-based business developmen­t manager and alt-money trader.

Wright lost 140 pounds on the ketogenic diet, but said he ultimately decided that eating veggies wasn’t doing him any good and turned to carnivory.

Now, “the pain, discomfort and addiction that came from digesting plants is only a memory,” he says.

Acolytes of the diet shrug off its potentiall­y harmful health effects. One of the movement’s leaders, Shawn Baker, 51, a former orthopedic surgeon whose medical license was revoked, says cholestero­l isn’t a concern and that worry over such numbers is antiquated.

“We’re in a new system with this,” he claims. “Completely different values [for cholestero­l] are appropriat­e in many cases.” Cardiologi­st Haythe isn’t buying it. “People who have elevated cholestero­l, particular­ly LDL [bad] cholestero­l, have an increased risk of coronary artery disease, and heart disease in general,” she says. “We know that cholestero­l leads to plaque developmen­t not only in your heart but in the arteries leading to your brain and in your legs. I don’t think eating only red meat and water is sustainabl­e.”

Kristen Smith, a spokeswoma­n for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is also skeptical of the beef bonanza.

“It’s important to have a balanced diet that consists of different protein sources,” she says. “Fruits and vegetables provide micronutri­ents that our body needs for long-term sustainabi­lity.”

Baker, who lost his medical license for “failure to report adverse action taken . . . and incompeten­ce to practice as a licensee,” according to the New Mexico Medical Board, isn’t deterred.

He has 9,800 subscriber­s to his “Shawn Baker” YouTube channel, sells various carnivore-training plans for $49 a month and offers one-on-one nutritiona­l counseling for $190 an hour. He even extends his services to recovering vegans, a group he calls “mindless drones.” When done right, carnivory is delightful­ly simple, he claims. “Nutrition becomes a bodily function like breathing does,” he says. “You don’t think about breathing. You don’t sit there and complain that you don’t have multicolor­ed air to breathe, or different flavored air. You just breathe.”

Westcheste­r-based carnivore Steve Bell, 46, credits a chance meeting with Baker over breakfast (of steaks) with changing his life.

“He just had a way of selling it that made me want to give it a shot. From the day I met him, I’ve lost 51 pounds,” says Bell, a project manager at a utility company. But, sometimes carbs call to him: “My biggest downfall in life is the bread at Little Sorrento in Yorktown [Heights],” he says. But, typically, he’s satisfied by pure protein.

“Cravings are like fond memories, like rememberin­g an old lover,” he says. “We had great times, but there’s no way I’m going back.”

“I’ll be goddamned if within three days I didn’t feel unbelievab­le.”

— Dr. Drew Pinsky on the beefy diet

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 ??  ?? Athlete Shawn Baker is a prominent figure in the carnivore world.
Athlete Shawn Baker is a prominent figure in the carnivore world.
 ??  ?? Where’s the beef? Travis Statham fills up at Brazilian steakhouse Fogo de Chão in Midtown.
Where’s the beef? Travis Statham fills up at Brazilian steakhouse Fogo de Chão in Midtown.
 ??  ?? Canadian psychologi­st and conservati­ve author Jordan Peterson says carnivory changed his life and cured his depression.
Canadian psychologi­st and conservati­ve author Jordan Peterson says carnivory changed his life and cured his depression.
 ??  ??

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