New York Post

Celebrity White House: Oprah in the Oval Office

THE ISSUE: The call for Oprah Winfrey to run for president in 2020 after her speech at the Golden Globes.


The last thing this country needs is another ego-driven person in the White House (“Another celeb? Fool us twice, shame on us,” Maureen Callahan, Jan. 9).

While Oprah Winfrey is a charming, intelligen­t person, we do not need the second coming of President Barack Obama. And no Chelsea Clinton, Ivanka Trump or Michelle Obama either.

If this country is so hungry for a woman to be president, I can think of none better than Nikki Haley, our esteemed ambassador to the United Nations. S. Kane Brooklyn

Being a celebrity does not make one better than a teacher, policeman or a bricklayer. Celebs’ political opinions are not more important than those of the average Joe.

To discuss Oprah as a candidate for president is crazy. Stewart Marden Bayside

I think Oprah would be absolutely terrific as president.

I’m an author, and I met her years ago when she was just starting out on a show called “People Are Talking” in Baltimore. She was the same then as she is now: very personable, direct and confident. I was nervous because it was my first TV appearance — she put me at ease at once.

Is she up to running this country? Let’s get one thing straight: No one is up to this job before they get it. Every chief executive since Lincoln has learned how to be president when they’re in the White House. Oprah can do it. Shauneen Henrick Manhattan

I completely agree that Oprah is a terrible choice for president.

She’s highly intelligen­t and a smooth speaker, but at the end of the day, the presidency would be just another vehicle for her insatiable ego.

Although President Trump shares some of these qualities, his tangible contributi­ons to the real-estate industry are far more pertinent than fame and fortune. Mark Stuart Ellison Brooklyn

Oprah is the anti-Hillary Clinton, and that’s a glorious thing.

Oprah has massive charisma, while Hillary was the least charismati­c candidate of all time. (I detest Trump, but at least he can be a charming con man.) So the White House is easily hers if she wants it.

And she has to run: A black woman being the first gal president is two milestones for the price of one. Janice Amato Manhattan

Can everyone stop with the juvenile “we need candidates with experience” baloney?

We need regular people to run for office. I’d trust a librarian or carpenter as president long before I’d trust these skeevy lawyers and con artists on both sides.

The experience­d candidates we have had were not remotely qualified.

POTUS doesn’t fly the plane, figurative­ly speaking. He directs where the plane is going. He has trained pilots who do the actual flying. Jack Dickenson Brooklyn

Oprah would be another celebrity president we don’t need.

If she decides to run, she’ll bring out all the black, liberal and women voters; that just might be enough.

Money for her campaign would be no issue, and her knowledge of advertisin­g would be to her advantage.

So watch out, America — the days of politician­s running for office are over. D. Mann Miller Place

To a party devoid of new ideas or programs and led by Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Oprah would indeed be a breath of fresh air.

If only the media could make these photos of her with Harvey Weinstein disappear.

Making speeches is different from delivering results — ask the previous White House occupant, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for making speeches and delivered nothing. Joe Alloy Wayne, NJ

I think the Democrats are really on to something: a billionair­e celebrity with no political experience, who starred on a TV show.

The Republican­s would never think of that. Robert Mangi Westbury

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Oprah Winfrey

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