New York Post

Feed your brain

Talk about food for thought — a new book dives into the connection between Alzheimer’s and nutrition


IF you’re misplacing your keys, forgetting names and struggling to concentrat­e, it might already be too late, says Dr. Steven Masley.

That’s why Masley, author of the new book “The Better Brain Solution” (Knopf ), recommends changing your diet to improve your cognition now, well before the symptoms of memory loss start. After spending the better part of his 30-year career helping patients overcome heart disease and other age-related conditions, the St. Petersburg, Fla., physician began studying the brain — specifical­ly, the connection between memory loss and insulin, the hormone that tells your body how to store energy.

When everything works properly, insulin helps convert food into glucose, which in turn powers your cells. But when cells are flooded with sugar day after day, they become insulin resistant, meaning they can’t absorb glucose anymore. This can lead to Type 2 diabetes, an epidemic illness in this country. According to Masley’s research, insulin resistance is also a key risk factor for developing dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease.

And, the typical American diet is heavy in sugar and simple carbohydra­tes, which can cause insulin resistance and leave you feeling less than sharp.

“If you have brain fog and you’re sputtering through the day,” Masley says, “you’ve had enough Danishes.”

So put down the pastries and eat this brain food instead. SEAFOOD AND NUTS Fatty fish, such as salmon, and nuts, especially walnuts, are high in omega3s, healthy fatty acids that are antiinflam­matory and mimic the natural fats that make up 40 percent of brain volume. BERRIES Berries, such as blackberri­es, raspberrie­s and blueberrie­s, contain flavonoids, nutrients that increase blood flow to the brain and slow the cognitive effects of aging. Aim to eat 1/2 cup per day. . RED WINE Of course, a key culprit in liver disease is alcohol, but you don’t needed to abstain. In fact, one or two glasses of red wine have ave been shown to boost long- term cognitive function — but excessive drinking is damaging on a number numbe of levels. FERMENTED FOODS Reach for probiotic-packed foods such as sauerkraut, kimchee and yogurt to improve your gut microbiome. The research is still burgeoning, but t scientists scie says there the is a clear connection co between b the digestive system and brain health. COFFEE AND GREEN TEA Popular health cleanses often recommend abstaining aining from caffeine, but Masley says that when it comes to optimal brain performanc­e, the beloved stimulant is a good thing. Regularly drinking two cups of coffee or matcha green tea a day has short-term brain benefits as well as lifelong ones, such as lowering lo your risk k of oP ark ins on’ sand Alzheimer’s. A CRUCIFEROU­S VEGETABLES Your liver is the first line of defense when it comes to environmen­tal toxins such as mercury, lead and bisphenol A (BPA), which appears in can linings and some plastics. But if your liver isn’t healthy, it can’t properly filter these elements from your blood, and they can then make their way to your brain. Masley proposes doubling up on portions of vegetables— such as broccoli, cauliflowe­r and Brussels sprouts — all of which help boost the liver’s efficiency. He also suggests taking the occasional break from nightshade plants — eggplant, tomatoes and peppers — which, althought nutritious, can also cause inflammati­on. BEETS The colorful root veggies are particular­ly good for improving cerebral blood flow, thanks to their heavy concentrat­ion of nitrates (not to be confused with sodium nitrate, a preservati­ve that’s said to be carcinogen­ic), enic), which improve blood pressure and flow, and, in turn, help stave off cognitive issues. For average, mostly sedentary folks, Masley recommends avoiding sugary beet juice and eating the veggies steamed or roasted instead. TAM MINS Vitamins Vitam D, B9 and B12 are all vital to brain health, says Masley, and should be taken in pill form daily.

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