New York Post

Weird true


It’s not the size of the dog in the fight — it’s the heart.

A diminutive Chihuahua chomped on the leg of a vicious robber attacking its owner.

Blake Pfirrmann, 45, was walking her 7-year-old dog, Coco, in Gainesvill­e, Fla., when the thief smashed a bottle over the woman’s head and demanded cash.

The pint-sized pooch sprang into action — going full “Cujo” on the jerk’s calf muscle — and forcing him to hobble away in a panic empty-handed.

This iconic Australian marsupial is a dancing fool.

A southeast Queensland resident posted Facebook pics of a koala that entered her home, took a liking to a decorative “firehouse” bannister and did a pole dance.

Wildlife experts report that with natural habitats in decline, more koalas are breaking into homes, with one human resident reporting finding a cute furball lounging on her couch.

Children with no siblings have a proclivity to cheat on their partners as adults, a new study claims.

The adulterous dating site IllicitEnc­ found that 34 percent of cheaters grew up as only children in households.

Paging Bert and Ernie. A Canadian man is hawking 3,000 “lightly used” rubber duckies online for $1,400.

David Hayes, of Halifax, said he bought the bath-time birds for a charity fundraiser in which his group “raced” the toys and made small wagers on them.

He’s a real hot head. An Illinois man got so mad when his mom scolded him for keeping salsa in his bedroom, he slammed her against a wall and smashed a TV, according to police.

Jeffrey Gromatski, 42 — who lives with his 64-yearold mother in Joliet — injured her shoulder after she complained about his spicy snacking habits.

He was charged with domestic battery over the adolescent-like tantrum.

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