New York Post

Stick your supercar, Rob


BLAC Chyna returned her Ferrari and her Lamborghin­i to ex Rob Kardashian after he claimed he spent nearly $1 million on her in an epic revenge-porn Instagram rant last week. “Once he posted all these things on the Internet, I had my two assistants drive the Ferrari and the Lamborghin­i, and took all the jewelry back to his house — actually, to his mother’s house, and had it dropped off. And I also gave him back his wedding ring. Because I’m not gonna let this man buy me, or make it seem like he could just buy me and give me gifts and treat me any way, and talk to me nasty,” former stripper Chyna said in an interview with “Good Morning America.” Rob, the runt of the Kardashian klan, posted explicit photos of Chyna and claimed he “bought her 250K of jewelry” in one of the posts. “I pay lambo. Ferrari. Downpaymen­t on the rolls . . . That Ferrari that u pretend u got yourself,” he ranted. The troubled exes are parents to 8-month-old daughter Dream. A judge granted Chyna a temporary restrainin­g order against Kardashian on Monday, which also prevents him from cyberbully­ing her. “I personally, on Robert Kardashian’s behalf, apologized and offered our regrets for what has taken place in the past couple of days, and now we move forward to do one thing and one thing only: whatever’s in the best interest of this child,” Kardashian’s attorney

Robert Shapiro said after the hearing, which Rob Kardashian did not attend. Chyna’s lawyer

Lisa Bloom told us they’re working out a formal arrangemen­t for co-parenting Dream. “She’s not trying to prevent Rob from seeing his baby,” Bloom said. “She believes a father should stay in contact with his child . . . She wants to have a healthy, peaceful co-parenting relationsh­ip.” Chyna also told “GMA,” “Yes, we are broken up . . . [but] at the end of the day, he is a good father. I’m not gonna take that away from him.”

 ??  ?? Blac Chyna looks pleased with herself leaving LA Superior Court.
Blac Chyna looks pleased with herself leaving LA Superior Court.

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